Sven Peldszus
Cited by
Cited by
Model-based privacy and security analysis with CARiSMA
AS Ahmadian, S Peldszus, Q Ramadan, J Jürjens
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the …, 2017
Continuous detection of design flaws in evolving object-oriented programs using incremental multi-pattern matching
S Peldszus, G Kulcsár, M Lochau, S Schulze
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 578-589, 2016
Model-based security analysis of feature-oriented software product lines
S Peldszus, D Strüber, J Jürjens
International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences …, 2018
Secure data-flow compliance checks between models and code based on automated mappings
S Peldszus, K Tuma, D Strüber, J Jürjens, R Scandariato
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2019
Taming Multi-Variability of Software Product Line Transformations.
D Strüber, S Peldszus, J Jürjens
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2018
Ontology-driven evolution of software security
S Peldszus, J Bürger, T Kehrer, J Jürjens
Data & Knowledge Engineering 134, 101907, 2021
Editing Support for Software Languages: Implementation Practices in Language Server Protocols
D Barros, S Peldszus, WKG Assunção, T Berger
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2022
Controlling the attack surface of object-oriented refactorings
S Ruland, G Kulcsár, E Leblebici, S Peldszus, M Lochau
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2018
Incremental co-evolution of Java programs based on bidirectional graph transformation
S Peldszus, G Kulcsár, M Lochau, S Schulze
Proceedings of the Principles and Practices of Programming on The Java …, 2015
Model-based testing
M Lochau, S Peldszus, M Kowal, I Schaefer
Formal Methods for Executable Software Models: 14th International School on …, 2014
Security compliance in model-driven development of software systems in presence of long-term evolution and variants
SM Peldszus
Springer Nature, 2022
Checking security compliance between models and code
K Tuma, S Peldszus, D Strüber, R Scandariato, J Jürjens
Software and systems modeling 22 (1), 273-296, 2023
A Solution to the Java Refactoring Case Study using eMoflon.
S Peldszus, G Kulcsár, M Lochau
TTC@ STAF, 118-122, 2015
Case Study: object-oriented refactoring of Java programs using graph transformation
G Kulcsár, S Peldszus, M Lochau
Transformation Tool Contest, 2015
Maintenance of Long-Living Smart Contracts
M Lohr, S Peldszus
Proceedings of the 7th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance …, 2020
Model-driven Development of Evolving Secure Software Systems
S Peldszus
Proceedings of the 7th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance …, 2020
UMLsecRT: reactive security monitoring of java applications with round-trip engineering
S Peldszus, J Bürger, J Jürjens
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023
Software Reconfiguration in Robotics
S Peldszus, D Brugali, D Strüber, P Pelliccione, T Berger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01039, 2023
Development of Secure Software with GRaViTY
S Peldszus
Workshop on Software-Reengineering & -Evolution: Forschung trifft Praxis, 2020
Visual privacy management
S Peldszus, AS Ahmadian, M Salnitri, J Jürjens, M Pavlidis, H Mouratidis
Visual Privacy Management: Design and Applications of a Privacy-Enabling …, 2020
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Articles 1–20