Jan Spilski
Jan Spilski
Center for Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern
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Effects of aircraft noise on reading and quality of life in primary school children in Germany: Results from the NORAH study
M Klatte, J Spilski, J Mayerl, U Möhler, T Lachmann, K Bergström
Environment and Behavior 49 (4), 390-424, 2017
Physical and cognitive demands of work in building construction
FS Rodriguez, J Spilski, F Hekele, NO Beese, T Lachmann
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 27 (3), 745-764, 2020
Research into the relationship experience in supervision and its influence on the psychoanalytical identity formation of candidate trainees
W Nagell, L Steinmetzer, U Fissabre, J Spilski
Psychoanalytic Inquiry 34 (6), 554-583, 2014
Performance differences between instructions on paper vs digital glasses for a simple assembly task
FS Rodriguez, K Saleem, J Spilski, T Lachmann
Applied Ergonomics 94, 103423, 2021
The development of a multiple-item annoyance scale (MIAS) for transportation noise annoyance
D Schreckenberg, C Belke, J Spilski
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (5), 971, 2018
Wirkungen von Verkehrslärm auf die Belästigung und Lebensqualität
D Schreckenberg, F Faulbaum, R Guski, L Ninke, C Peschel, J Spilski, ...
NORAH (Noise related annoyance cognition and health): Verkehrslärmwirkungen …, 2015
Effects of aircraft noise on annoyance and sleep disturbances before and after expansion of Frankfurt Airport-Results of the NORAH study, WP 1'Annoyance and quality of life'
D Schreckenberg, F Faulbaum, R Guski, U Möhler, J Spilski
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 253 (7), 997-1006, 2016
Remote vocational learning opportunities—A comparative eye‐tracking investigation of educational 2D videos versus 360° videos for car mechanics
F Hekele, J Spilski, S Bender, T Lachmann
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (2), 248-268, 2022
Implementation of AI Technologies in manufacturing-success factors and challenges
J Kutz, J Neuhüttler, J Spilski, T Lachmann
The Human Side of Service Engineerin, Proceedings of the 13th International …, 2022
Potential of VR in the vocational education and training of craftsmen
J Spilski, JP Exner, M Schmidt, A Makhkamova, S Schlittmeier, C Giehl, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Construction …, 2019
Relevance of the assessment mode in the digital assessment of processing speed
FS Rodriguez, J Spilski, A Schneider, F Hekele, T Lachmann, A Ebert, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 41 (7), 730-739, 2019
Do we need different aircraft noise metrics to predict annoyance for different groups of people?
J Spilski, K Bergström, U Moehler, T Lachmann, M Klatte
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2019
Development and psychometric properties of the sound preference and hearing habits questionnaire (SP-HHQ)
M Meis, R Huber, RL Fischer, M Schulte, J Spilski, H Meister
International journal of audiology 57 (sup3), S118-S129, 2018
Spatial sound in a 3d virtual environment: All bark and no bite?
RN Meghanathan, P Ruediger-Flore, F Hekele, J Spilski, A Ebert, ...
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5 (4), 79, 2021
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary concept of mental demands at work on cognitive functioning in old age
FS Rodriguez, FS Hussenoeder, J Spilski, I Conrad, SG Riedel-Heller
Aging & Mental Health 25 (9), 1649-1658, 2021
Wirkungen chronischer Fluglärmbelastung auf kognitive Leistungen und Lebensqualität bei Grundschulkindern
M Klatte, K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, M Meis
Endbericht zur NORAH-Kinderstudie, 2014
Effects of aircraft noise on annoyance and quality of life in German children near Frankfurt/Main airport: Results of the NORAH (noise-related annoyance, cognition, and health …
K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, U Möhler, T Lachmann, M Klatte
Proceedings of Euronoise 31, 2015
Wirkungen chronischer Fluglärmbelastung auf kognitive Leistungen und Lebensqualität bei Grundschulkindern Endbericht
M Klatte, K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, M Meis
NORAH Verkehrslärmwirkungen im Flughafenumfeld–Endbericht 1, 2014
Olfactory sensory and perceptual evaluation in newborn infants: A systematic review
RM Tristão, L Lauand, KSF Costa, LA Brant, GM Fernandes, KN Costa, ...
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (7), e22201, 2021
Effects of Aircraft Noise and Living Environment on Children ́s Well-being and Health
J Spilski, M Rumberg, M Berchtold, K Bergström, U Möhler, T Lachmann, ...
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2019
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