Muhamad Reza
Muhamad Reza
Institut Teknologi PLN
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Wavelet-based protection strategy for DC faults in multi-terminal VSC HVDC systems
K De Kerf, K Srivastava, M Reza, D Bekaert, S Cole, D Van Hertem, ...
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 5 (4), 496-503, 2011
A distributed DC voltage control method for VSC MTDC systems
C Dierckxsens, K Srivastava, M Reza, S Cole, J Beerten, R Belmans
Electric Power Systems Research 82 (1), 54-58, 2012
Grid integration aspects of large solar PV installations: LVRT capability and reactive power/voltage support requirements
A Marinopoulos, F Papandrea, M Reza, S Norrga, F Spertino, R Napoli
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-8, 2011
Distribution grid impact of plug-in electric vehicles charging at fast charging stations using stochastic charging model
K Yunus, HZ De La Parra, M Reza
Proceedings of the 2011 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and …, 2011
Economic comparison of VSC HVDC and HVAC as transmission system for a 300 MW offshore wind farm
B Van Eeckhout, D Van Hertem, M Reza, K Srivastava, R Belmans
European Transactions on Electrical Power 20 (5), 661-671, 2010
Impacts of distributed generation penetration levels on power systems transient stability
M Reza, PH Schavemaker, JG Slootweg, WL Kling, L Van Der Sluis
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004., 2150-2155, 2004
Minimization of steady-state losses in meshed networks using VSC HVDC
G Daelemans, K Srivastava, M Reza, S Cole, R Belmans
2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2009
Stability analysis of transmission systems with high penetration of distributed generation
R Muhamad
DC connection scheme for windfarm with internal MVDC collection grid
J Pan, L Qi, J Li, R Muhamad, K Srivastava
US Patent 9,048,694, 2015
Dynamic stability of power systems with power electronic interfaced DG
M Reza, D Sudarmadi, FA Viawan, WL Kling, L Van Der Sluis
2006 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1423-1428, 2006
Investigating impacts of distributed generation on transmission system stability
M Reza, JG Slootweg, PH Schavemaker, WL Kling, L Van der Sluis
2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2, 7 pp. Vol. 2, 2003
Impacts of stochastic residential plug-in electric vehicle charging on distribution grid
KJ Yunus, M Reza, H Zelaya-De La Parra, K Srivastava
2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-8, 2012
Frequency support by wind power plants in isolated grids with varying generation mix
P Tielens, S De Rijcke, K Srivastava, M Reza, A Marinopoulos, J Driesen
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Vacuum circuit-breaker parameter calculation and modelling for power system transient studies
T Abdulahovic, T Thiringer, M Reza, H Breder
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 32 (3), 1165-1172, 2014
Transients in wind power plants—Part II: Case studies
B Badrzadeh, MH Zamastil, NK Singh, H Breder, K Srivastava, M Reza
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (5), 1628-1638, 2012
Balancing asymmetrical load using a static var compensator
A Alsulami, M Bongiorno, K Srivastava, M Reza
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe, 1-6, 2014
Investigating the impact of wake effect on wind farm aggregation
A Marinopoulos, J Pan, M Zarghami, M Reza, K Yunus, CY Yue, ...
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-5, 2011
Influence of VSC HVDC on transient stability: Case study of the Belgian grid
FL Shun, R Muhamad, K Srivastava, S Cole, D Van Hertem, R Belmans
IEEE PES General Meeting, 1-7, 2010
The impact of synchronous distributed generation on voltage dip and overcurrent protection coordination
FA Viawan, M Reza
2005 International Conference on Future Power Systems, 6 pp.-6, 2005
Economics of DC wind collection grid as affected by cost of key components
G Stamatiou, K Srivastava, M Reza, P Zanchetta
World Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden …, 2011
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