Tobias Schuetz
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Mitigation of agricultural nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in artificial wetland ecosystems
C Gregoire, D Elsaesser, D Huguenot, J Lange, T Lebeau, A Merli, ...
Environmental Chemistry Letters 7, 205-231, 2009
Quantification of localized groundwater inflow into streams using ground‐based infrared thermography
T Schuetz, M Weiler
Geophysical research letters 38 (3), 2011
Multi-tracer experiments to characterise contaminant mitigation capacities for different types of artificial wetlands
J Lange, T Schuetz, C Gregoire, D Elsässer, R Schulz, E Passeport, ...
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 91 (7-8 …, 2011
Beyond binary baseflow separation: a delayed-flow index for multiple streamflow contributions
M Stoelzle, T Schuetz, M Weiler, K Stahl, LM Tallaksen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (2), 849-867, 2020
Two-dimensional assessment of solute transport in shallow waters with thermal imaging and heated water
T Schuetz, M Weiler, J Lange, M Stoelzle
Advances in water resources 43, 67-75, 2012
Is there a superior conceptual groundwater model structure for baseflow simulation?
M Stoelzle, M Weiler, K Stahl, A Morhard, T Schuetz
Hydrological processes 29 (6), 1301-1313, 2015
Nitrate sinks and sources as controls of spatio-temporal water quality dynamics in an agricultural headwater catchment
T Schuetz, C Gascuel-Odoux, P Durand, M Weiler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (2), 843-857, 2016
Multitracer assessment of wetland succession: Effects on conservative and nonconservative transport processes
T Schuetz, M Weiler, J Lange
Water Resources Research 48 (6), 2012
Ermittlung eines naturnahen Wasserhaushalts als Planungsziel für Siedlungen
A Steinbrich, M Henrichs, H Leistert, I Scherer, T Schuetz, M Uhl, M Weiler
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 62 (6), 400-409, 2018
A distributed soil moisture, temperature and infiltrometer dataset for permeable pavements and green spaces
A Schaffitel, T Schuetz, M Weiler
Earth System Science Data 12 (1), 501-517, 2020
Analysis and modeling of timber storage accumulation after severe storm events in Germany
K Zimmermann, T Schuetz, H Weimar
European Journal of Forest Research 137, 463-475, 2018
Urbane Regenwasserversickerung als Eintragspfad für Biozide in das Grundwasser?
J Lange, O Olsson, N Jackisch, T Weber, B Hensen, F Zieger, T Schuetz, ...
Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 10 (4), 198-202, 2017
Erosion modelling designed for water quality simulation
M Gassmann, J Lange, T Schuetz
Ecohydrology 5 (3), 269-278, 2012
Model Based Estimation of a Natural Water Balance as Reference for Planning in Urban Areas
M Henrichs, A Steinbrich, H Leistert, I Scherer, T Schuetz, M Uhl, M Weiler
New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling. UDM 2018. Green Energy and …, 2019
Planungsinstrumente und Bewirtschaftungskonzepte für den Wasserhaushalt in Siedlungen
I Scherer, M Henrichs, M Uhl, T Schuetz, M Weiler, K Hackenbroch, ...
Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 10 (4), 221-228, 2017
Downscaling potential evapotranspiration to the urban canyon
M Koelbing, T Schuetz, M Weiler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-23, 2021
A near-natural experiment on factors influencing larval drift in Salamandra salamandra
M Schafft, N Wagner, T Schuetz, M Veith
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 3275, 2022
Model choice impacts the quantification of seasonal hyporheic exchange depths and fluxes
LM Schmitgen, R Bierl, T Schuetz
Water Resources Research 57 (12), 2021
Fluxes from soil moisture measurements (FluSM v1. 0): a data-driven water balance framework for permeable pavements
A Schaffitel, T Schuetz, M Weiler
Geoscientific Model Development 14 (4), 2127-2142, 2021
Exploring controls of timber stock residence times in storage after severe storm events
K Zimmermann, T Schuetz, H Weimar, M Dieter
European Journal of Forest Research 140 (1), 37-50, 2021
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