Robert Ferstl
Robert Ferstl
University of Regensburg, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
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Panel Vector Autoregression in R with the panelvar Package
M Sigmund, R Ferstl
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2019
The effect of the Japan 2011 disaster on nuclear and alternative energy stocks worldwide: An event study
R Ferstl, S Utz, M Wimmer
Business Research 5, 25-41, 2012
Asset-liability management under time-varying investment opportunities
R Ferstl, A Weissensteiner
Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (1), 182-192, 2011
Zero-coupon yield curve estimation with the package termstrc
R Ferstl, J Hayden
Journal of Statistical Software 36, 1-34, 2010
Clustering Austrian Banks’ Business Models and Peer Groups in the European Banking Sector
R Ferstl, D Seres
Financial Stability Report, 79-95, 2012
Spatial filtering with EViews and MATLAB
R Ferstl
Austrian Journal of Statistics 36 (1), 17–26-17–26, 2007
Cash management using multi-stage stochastic programming
R Ferstl, A Weissensteiner
Quantitative Finance 10 (2), 209-219, 2010
ArNIe in Action: the 2013 FsAp stress tests for the Austrian banking system
M Feldkircher, G Fenz, R Ferstl, G Krenn, B Neudorfer, C Puhr, ...
Financial stability report 26, 100-118, 2013
The investment effects of price caps under imperfect competition: a note
S Buehler, A Burger, R Ferstl
Economics Letters 106 (2), 92-94, 2010
Werkzeuge zur Analyse räumlicher Daten: eine Softwareimplementation in EViews und MATLAB
R Ferstl
na, 2004
The effect of the Japan 2011 disaster on nuclear and alternative energy stocks worldwide
R Ferstl, S Utz, M Wimmer
VHB Verband der Hochschullehrer, 2012
Werkzeuge zur Analyse raumlicher Daten: eine Softwareimplementation in EViews und MATLAB
R Ferstl
Wien: Wirtschafsuniversitat Wien, 2004
Take it and leave it: Banks’ balance sheet optimization and targeted longer-term refinancing operations (Michael Sigmund, Johannes Wächtler, Philip Schuster, Robert Ferstl …
R Ferstl, P Schuster, M Sigmund, MT Valderrama, J Wächtler
Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian Central Bank), 2024
The pass-through of policy interest rates to bank retail rates in Austria
R Ferstl, B Graf, C Kwapil
Monetary Policy & the Economy, 41-59, 2024
Grocery price setting in times of high inflation: what webscraped data tell us
C Beer, R Ferstl, B Graf, F Rumler
Monetary Policy & the Economy, 43-54, 2023
Auslaufen der Umsatzsteuersenkung führte zu Preisanhebungen in der Hotellerie und – in einem geringeren Maße – in der Gastronomie
C Beer, R Ferstl, B Graf, P Doris
Inflation aktuell, 2022
Entstehung regulatorischer Bankenstresstests und Ergebnisse der österreichischen Banken beim Comprehensive Assessment in 2014
R Ferstl
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bank- und Börsenwesen - Journal of Banking and …, 2015
Austrian Banks in the Comprehensive Assessment
M Fandl, R Ferstl
Financial Stability Report 28, 54-58, 2014
Package ‘termstrc’
R Ferstl, J Hayden, MJ Hayden
Backtesting short-term treasury management strategies based on multi-stage stochastic programming
R Ferstl, A Weissensteiner
Asset and Liability Management Handbook, 469-494, 2011
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Articles 1–20