Hannes Böttler
Hannes Böttler
Phd candidate, mechanical engineering, Technical University of Darmstadt
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Flame structure analysis and composition space modeling of thermodiffusively unstable premixed hydrogen flames—Part I: Atmospheric pressure
X Wen, T Zirwes, A Scholtissek, H Böttler, F Zhang, H Bockhorn, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 238, 111815, 2022
Flame structure analysis and composition space modeling of thermodiffusively unstable premixed hydrogen flames—Part II: Elevated pressure
X Wen, T Zirwes, A Scholtissek, H Böttler, F Zhang, H Bockhorn, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 238, 111808, 2022
Effects of stretch-chemistry interaction on chemical pathways for strained and curved hydrogen/air premixed flames
X Chen, H Böttler, A Scholtissek, C Hasse, Z Chen
Combustion and Flame 232, 111532, 2021
Flamelet modeling of thermo-diffusively unstable hydrogen-air flames
H Böttler, H Lulic, M Steinhausen, X Wen, C Hasse, A Scholtissek
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 1567-1576, 2023
Flamelet modeling of forced ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen-air mixtures
H Böttler, X Chen, S Xie, A Scholtissek, Z Chen, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 243, 112125, 2022
Premixed flames for arbitrary combinations of strain and curvature
H Böttler, A Scholtissek, X Chen, Z Chen, C Hasse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2031-2039, 2021
Effects of electrodes and imposed flow on forced ignition in laminar premixed hydrogen/air mixtures with large Lewis number
X Chen, S Xie, H Böttler, A Scholtissek, W Han, D Yu, C Hasse, Z Chen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 1967-1976, 2023
Forced ignition of a rich hydrogen/air mixture in a laminar counterflow: a computational study
S Xie, X Chen, H Böttler, A Scholtissek, C Hasse, Z Chen
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 110 (2), 441-456, 2023
Comparison and analysis of butanol combustion mechanisms
M Bolla, M Papp, C Olm, H Böttler, T Nagy, IG Zsely, T Turanyi
Energy & Fuels 36 (18), 11154-11176, 2022
A novel flamelet manifold parametrization approach for lean CH4–H2-air flames
Y Luo, F Ferraro, A Breicher, H Böttler, A Dreizler, D Geyer, C Hasse, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (1), 407-421, 2023
On the flow-facilitated ignition in a mixture with low Lewis number
X Chen, H Böttler, S Xie, A Scholtissek, W Han, C Hasse, Z Chen
Combustion and Flame 258, 113091, 2023
Can flamelet manifolds capture the interactions of thermo-diffusive instabilities and turbulence in lean hydrogen flames?—An a-priori analysis
H Böttler, D Kaddar, TJP Karpowski, F Ferraro, A Scholtissek, H Nicolai, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 56, 1397-1407, 2024
Forced ignition of premixed cool and hot DME/air flames in a laminar counterflow
Y Wang, S Xie, H Böttler, Y Wang, X Chen, A Scholtissek, C Hasse, ...
Combustion and Flame 259, 113169, 2024
Forced ignition of cool, warm and hot flames in a laminar non-premixed counterflow of DME versus air
Y Wang, Y Wang, X Chen, S Xie, H Böttler, A Scholtissek, C Hasse, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 105222, 2024
Modeling of ignition and flame propagation in lean and rich hydrogen-air mixtures
H Böttler
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 0
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