Robert F. Easley
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Cited by
Research Note—How Does Personality Matter? Relating the Five-Factor Model to Technology Acceptance and Use
S Devaraj, RF Easley, JM Crant
Information systems research 19 (1), 93-105, 2008
Relating collaborative technology use to teamwork quality and performance: An empirical analysis
RF Easley, S Devaraj, JM Crant
Journal of Management Information Systems 19 (4), 247-265, 2003
Jump bidding strategies in internet auctions
RF Easley, R Tenorio
Management Science 50 (10), 1407-1419, 2004
A mobile platform's in‐app advertising contract under agency pricing for app sales
L Hao, H Guo, RF Easley
Production and Operations Management 26 (2), 189-202, 2017
Concentration without differentiation: A new look at the determinants of audit market concentration
R Doogar, RF Easley
Journal of Accounting and Economics 25 (3), 235-253, 1998
Capturing group preferences in a multicriteria decision
RF Easley, JS Valacich, MA Venkataramanan
European Journal of Operational Research 125 (1), 73-83, 2000
Ethical issues in the music industry response to innovation and piracy
RF Easley
Journal of Business Ethics 62, 163-168, 2005
Research commentary—from net neutrality to data neutrality: a techno-economic framework and research agenda
RF Easley, H Guo, J Krämer
Information Systems Research 29 (2), 253-272, 2018
A single ideal point model for market structure analysis
DB MacKay, RF Easley, JL Zinnes
Journal of marketing Research 32 (4), 433-443, 1995
A survey of recommendation systems in electronic commerce
CP Wei, MJ Shaw, RF Easley
E-Service: new directions in theory and practice, 168-199, 2016
The MP3 open standard and the music industry's response to Internet piracy
RF Easley, JG Michel, S Devaraj
Communications of the ACM 46 (11), 90-96, 2003
Bidding patterns, experience, and avoiding the winner's curse in online auctions
RF Easley, CA Wood, S Barkataki
Journal of Management Information Systems 27 (3), 241-268, 2010
A preference scoring technique for personalized advertisements on Internet storefronts
JW Kim, KM Lee, MJ Shaw, HL Chang, M Nelson, RF Easley
Mathematical and computer modelling 44 (1-2), 3-15, 2006
Network neutrality versus paid prioritization: Analyzing the impact on content innovation
H Guo, RF Easley
Production and Operations Management 25 (7), 1261-1273, 2016
International differences in product perception: a product map analysis
DB MacKay, RF Easley
International Marketing Review 13 (2), 54-62, 1996
Bidding strategies in Internet Yankee auctions
RF Easley, R Tenorio
Available at SSRN 170028, 1999
Data-driven sports ticket pricing for multiple sales channels with heterogeneous customers
HA Arslan, RF Easley, R Wang, Ö Yılmaz
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (2), 1241-1260, 2022
Optimal Digital rights management with uncertain piracy
D Sun, R Easley, BC Kim
Decision Sciences 46 (1), 165-191, 2015
Market segmentation within consolidated e-markets: A generalized combinatorial auction approach
JL Jones, RF Easley, GJ Koehler
Journal of Management Information Systems 23 (1), 161-182, 2006
A comparative study of exchange and aggregation models in the B2B e-marketplace
HL Chang, RF Easley, MJ Shaw
Information Systems and E-Business Management 1, 213-228, 2003
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Articles 1–20