Christoph Steiger
Christoph Steiger
Bayer - Drug Delivery Innovation
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Ingestible hydrogel device
X Liu, C Steiger, S Lin, GA Parada, J Liu, HF Chan, H Yuk, NV Phan, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 493, 2019
Ingestible electronics for diagnostics and therapy
C Steiger, A Abramson, P Nadeau, AP Chandrakasan, R Langer, ...
Nature Reviews Materials 4 (2), 83-98, 2019
“Inactive” ingredients in oral medications
D Reker, SM Blum, C Steiger, KE Anger, JM Sommer, J Fanikos, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (483), eaau6753, 2019
Enabling deep-tissue networking for miniature medical devices
Y Ma, Z Luo, C Steiger, G Traverso, F Adib
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data …, 2018
Oral drug delivery of therapeutic gases—Carbon monoxide release for gastrointestinal diseases
C Steiger, T Lühmann, L Meinel
Journal of Controlled Release 189, 46-53, 2014
A gastric resident drug delivery system for prolonged gram-level dosing of tuberculosis treatment
M Verma, K Vishwanath, F Eweje, N Roxhed, T Grant, M Castaneda, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (483), eaau6267, 2019
Prevention of colitis by controlled oral drug delivery of carbon monoxide
C Steiger, K Uchiyama, T Takagi, K Mizushima, Y Higashimura, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 239, 128-136, 2016
Where is the clinical breakthrough of heme oxygenase-1/carbon monoxide therapeutics?
CP Hopper, L Meinel, C Steiger, LE Otterbein
Current pharmaceutical design 24 (20), 2264-2282, 2018
Delivery of therapeutic carbon monoxide by gas-entrapping materials
JD Byrne, D Gallo, H Boyce, SL Becker, KM Kezar, AT Cotoia, VR Feig, ...
Science translational medicine 14 (651), eabl4135, 2022
Localized delivery of carbon monoxide
C Steiger, C Hermann, L Meinel
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 118, 3-12, 2017
Sub-1.4 cm3 capsule for detecting labile inflammatory biomarkers in situ
ME Inda-Webb, M Jimenez, Q Liu, NV Phan, J Ahn, C Steiger, ...
Nature 620 (7973), 386-392, 2023
Overcoming safety challenges in CO therapy–Extracorporeal CO delivery under precise feedback control of systemic carboxyhemoglobin levels
J Wollborn, C Hermann, U Goebel, B Merget, C Wunder, S Maier, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 279, 336-344, 2018
Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibition reduces ECLS-induced vascular permeability and improves microcirculation in a rodent model of extracorporeal resuscitation
J Wollborn, S Siemering, C Steiger, H Buerkle, U Goebel, MA Schick
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 316 (3 …, 2019
Controlled therapeutic gas delivery systems for quality-improved transplants
C Steiger, J Wollborn, M Gutmann, M Zehe, C Wunder, L Meinel
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 97, 96-106, 2015
Carbon monoxide in drug discovery: basics, pharmacology, and therapeutic potential
B Wang, LE Otterbein
John Wiley & Sons, 2022
Ingestible capsule for detecting labile inflammatory biomarkers in situ
ME Inda, M Jimenez, Q Liu, NV Phan, J Ahn, C Steiger, A Wentworth, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.02. 16.480562, 2022
Carbon monoxide exerts functional neuroprotection after cardiac arrest using extracorporeal resuscitation in pigs
J Wollborn, C Steiger, S Doostkam, N Schallner, N Schroeter, FA Kari, ...
Critical care medicine 48 (4), e299-e307, 2020
Development of a long-acting direct-acting antiviral system for hepatitis C virus treatment in swine
M Verma, JN Chu, JAF Salama, MT Faiz, F Eweje, D Gwynne, A Lopes, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (22), 11987-11994, 2020
An automated all-in-one system for carbohydrate tracking, glucose monitoring, and insulin delivery
HW Huang, SS You, L Di Tizio, C Li, E Raftery, C Ehmke, C Steiger, J Li, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 343, 31-42, 2022
Carbon monoxide improves haemodynamics during extracorporeal resuscitation in pigs
J Wollborn, C Steiger, E Ruetten, C Benk, FA Kari, C Wunder, L Meinel, ...
Cardiovascular research 116 (1), 158-170, 2020
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