Christian Q. Scheckhuber
Christian Q. Scheckhuber
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Reducing mitochondrial fission results in increased life span and fitness of two fungal ageing models
CQ Scheckhuber, N Erjavec, A Tinazli, A Hamann, T Nyström, ...
Nature cell biology 9 (1), 99-105, 2007
Supramolecular organization of cytochrome c oxidase-and alternative oxidase-dependent respiratory chains in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
F Krause, CQ Scheckhuber, A Werner, S Rexroth, NH Reifschneider, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (25), 26453-26461, 2004
Differential proteomic profiling of mitochondria from Podospora anserina, rat and human reveals distinct patterns of age-related oxidative changes
K Groebe, F Krause, B Kunstmann, H Unterluggauer, NH Reifschneider, ...
Experimental gerontology 42 (9), 887-898, 2007
Podospora anserina: a model organism to study mechanisms of healthy ageing
CQ Scheckhuber, HD Osiewacz
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 280, 365-374, 2008
Copper homeostasis and aging in the fungal model system Podospora anserina: differential expression of PaCtr3 encoding a copper transporter
C Borghouts, CQ Scheckhuber, O Stephan, HD Osiewacz
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 34 (11), 1355-1371, 2002
Synthetic quantitative array technology identifies the Ubp3-Bre5 deubiquitinase complex as a negative regulator of mitophagy
M Müller, P Kötter, C Behrendt, E Walter, CQ Scheckhuber, KD Entian, ...
Cell reports 10 (7), 1215-1225, 2015
Respiration, copper availability and SOD activity in P. anserina strains with different lifespan
C Borghouts, CQ Scheckhuber, A Werner, HD Osiewacz
Biogerontology 3, 143-153, 2002
Unopposed mitochondrial fission leads to severe lifespan shortening
CQ Scheckhuber, RA Wanger, CA Mignat, HD Osiewacz
Cell cycle 10 (18), 3105-3110, 2011
The impact of peroxisomes on cellular aging and death
S Manivannan, CQ Scheckhuber, M Veenhuis, IJ van der Klei
Frontiers in Oncology 2, 50, 2012
Impact of ROS on ageing of two fungal model systems: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Podospora anserina
HD Osiewacz, CQ Scheckhuber
Free radical research 40 (12), 1350-1358, 2006
Alternative oxidase dependent respiration leads to an increased mitochondrial content in two long-lived mutants of the ageing model Podospora anserina
CQ Scheckhuber, K Houthoofd, AC Weil, A Werner, A De Vreese, ...
PLoS One 6 (1), e16620, 2011
Modulation of the glyoxalase system in the aging model Podospora anserina: effects on growth and lifespan
CQ Scheckhuber, SJ Mack, I Strobel, F Ricciardi, S Gispert, HD Osiewacz
Aging (Albany NY) 2 (12), 969, 2010
Carotenoids and carotenogenic genes in Podospora anserina: engineering of the carotenoid composition extends the life span of the mycelium
I Strobel, J Breitenbach, CQ Scheckhuber, HD Osiewacz, G Sandmann
Current genetics 55, 175-184, 2009
Mitochondrial pathways governing stress resistance, life, and death in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina
HD Osiewacz, D Brust, A Hamann, B Kunstmann, K Luce, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1197 (1), 54-66, 2010
OXPHOS Supercomplexes: Respiration and Life‐Span Control in the Aging Model Podospora anserina
F Krause, CQ Scheckhuber, A Werner, S Rexroth, NH Reifschneider, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1067 (1), 106-115, 2006
Age-related cellular copper dynamics in the fungal ageing model Podospora anserina and in ageing human fibroblasts
CQ Scheckhuber, J Grief, E Boilan, K Luce, F Debacq-Chainiaux, ...
PLoS One 4 (3), e4919, 2009
Regulation of mitochondrial dynamics – characterization of fusion and fission genes in the ascomycete Podospora anserina
CQ Scheckhuber, E Rödel, J Wüstehube
Biotechnology Journal: Healthcare Nutrition Technology 3 (6), 781-790, 2008
Exosomes: a promising strategy for repair, regeneration and treatment of skin disorders
MA Tienda-Vázquez, JM Hanel, EM Márquez-Arteaga, ...
Cells 12 (12), 1625, 2023
Analyzing structural alterations of mitochondrial intermembrane space superoxide scavengers cytochrome-c and SOD1 after methylglyoxal treatment
H Mercado-Uribe, M Andrade-Medina, JH Espinoza-Rodríguez, ...
PLoS One 15 (4), e0232408, 2020
Molecular basis of and interference into degenerative processes in fungi: potential relevance for improving biotechnological performance of microorganisms
CQ Scheckhuber, R Mitterbauer, HD Osiewacz
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 85 (1), 27-35, 2009
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