A sub-40-mHz-linewidth laser based on a silicon single-crystal optical cavity T Kessler, C Hagemann, C Grebing, T Legero, U Sterr, F Riehle, ... Nature Photonics 6 (10), 687-692, 2012 | 888 | 2012 |
Lasers with Sub-10 mHz Linewidth DG Matei, T Legero, S Häfner, C Grebing, R Weyrich, W Zhang, ... Physical review letters 118 (26), 263202, 2017 | 615 | 2017 |
Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock J Grotti, S Koller, S Vogt, S Häfner, U Sterr, C Lisdat, H Denker, C Voigt, ... Nature Physics 14 (5), 437-441, 2018 | 556 | 2018 |
A clock network for geodesy and fundamental science C Lisdat, G Grosche, N Quintin, C Shi, SMF Raupach, C Grebing, ... Nature communications 7 (1), 12443, 2016 | 515 | 2016 |
Demonstration of 4.8 × 10−17 stability at 1 s for two independent optical clocks E Oelker, RB Hutson, CJ Kennedy, L Sonderhouse, T Bothwell, A Goban, ... Nature Photonics 13 (10), 714-719, 2019 | 466 | 2019 |
8 × 10−17 fractional laser frequency instability with a long room-temperature cavity S Häfner, S Falke, C Grebing, S Vogt, T Legero, M Merimaa, C Lisdat, ... Optics letters 40 (9), 2112-2115, 2015 | 332 | 2015 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Alkaline Earth Atoms: S Kraft, F Vogt, O Appel, F Riehle, U Sterr Physical review letters 103 (13), 130401, 2009 | 299 | 2009 |
Transportable Optical Lattice Clock with Uncertainty SB Koller, J Grotti, S Vogt, A Al-Masoudi, S Dörscher, S Häfner, U Sterr, ... Physical review letters 118 (7), 073601, 2017 | 257 | 2017 |
A strontium lattice clock with inaccuracy and its frequency S Falke, N Lemke, C Grebing, B Lipphardt, S Weyers, V Gerginov, ... New Journal of Physics 16 (7), 073023, 2014 | 254 | 2014 |
Test of special relativity using a fiber network of optical clocks P Delva, J Lodewyck, S Bilicki, E Bookjans, G Vallet, R Le Targat, ... Physical review letters 118 (22), 221102, 2017 | 238 | 2017 |
Optical clock with ultracold neutral atoms G Wilpers, T Binnewies, C Degenhardt, U Sterr, J Helmcke, F Riehle Physical review letters 89 (23), 230801, 2002 | 237 | 2002 |
Doppler cooling and trapping on forbidden transitions T Binnewies, G Wilpers, U Sterr, F Riehle, J Helmcke, TE Mehlstäubler, ... Physical review letters 87 (12), 123002, 2001 | 227 | 2001 |
Quantum tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle with the STE–QUEST space mission B Altschul, QG Bailey, L Blanchet, K Bongs, P Bouyer, L Cacciapuoti, ... Advances in Space Research 55 (1), 501-524, 2015 | 224 | 2015 |
Reduction of residual amplitude modulation to 1 × 10-6 for frequency modulation and laser stabilization W Zhang, MJ Martin, C Benko, JL Hall, J Ye, C Hagemann, T Legero, ... Optics letters 39 (7), 1980-1983, 2014 | 223 | 2014 |
Vibration-insensitive reference cavity for an ultra-narrow-linewidth laser T Nazarova, F Riehle, U Sterr Applied Physics B 83, 531-536, 2006 | 210 | 2006 |
Optical frequency transfer via 146 km fiber link with 10−19 relative accuracy G Grosche, O Terra, K Predehl, R Holzwarth, B Lipphardt, F Vogt, U Sterr, ... Optics letters 34 (15), 2270-2272, 2009 | 203 | 2009 |
Diode laser with 1 Hz linewidth H Stoehr, F Mensing, J Helmcke, U Sterr Optics letters 31 (6), 736-738, 2006 | 202 | 2006 |
High accuracy correction of blackbody radiation shift in an optical lattice clock T Middelmann, S Falke, C Lisdat, U Sterr Physical review letters 109 (26), 263004, 2012 | 198 | 2012 |
Tuning the thermal expansion properties of optical reference cavities with fused silica mirrors T Legero, T Kessler, U Sterr JOSA B 27 (5), 914-919, 2010 | 189 | 2010 |
Calcium optical frequency standard with ultracold atoms: Approaching relative uncertainty C Degenhardt, H Stoehr, C Lisdat, G Wilpers, H Schnatz, B Lipphardt, ... Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (6), 062111, 2005 | 188 | 2005 |