Heiko Peuscher né Panzer
Heiko Peuscher né Panzer
Technische Hochschule Ulm
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Parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation
H Panzer, J Mohring, R Eid, B Lohmann
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH 58 (8), 475-484, 2010
Generating a parametric finite element model of a 3d cantilever timoshenko beam using matlab
H Panzer, J Hubele, R Eid, B Lohmann
Technical Reports on Automatic Control, 2009
Model order reduction by Krylov subspace methods with global error bounds and automatic choice of parameters
HKF Panzer
Technische Universität München, 2014
On parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation
M Geuss, H Panzer, B Lohmann
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 3433-3438, 2013
A greedy rational Krylov method for ℋ2-pseudooptimal model order reduction with preservation of stability
HKF Panzer, S Jaensch, T Wolf, B Lohmann
2013 American Control Conference, 5512-5517, 2013
H2 and H∞ error bounds for model order reduction of second order systems by Krylov subspace methods
HKF Panzer, T Wolf, B Lohmann
Control Conference (ECC), 2013 European, 4484-4489, 2013
Model order reduction by approximate balanced truncation: A unifying framework/modellreduktion durch approximatives balanciertes abschneiden: Eine vereinigende formulierung
T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
at-Automatisierungstechnik 61 (8), 545-556, 2013
2 pseudo-optimality in model order reduction by Krylov subspace methods
T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
2013 European control conference (ECC), 3427-3432, 2013
Gramian-based error bound in model reduction by Krylov subspace methods
T Wolf, H Panzer, B Lohmann
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 3587-3592, 2011
Stability-preserving parametric model reduction by matrix interpolation
R Eid, R Castañé-Selga, H Panzer, T Wolf, B Lohmann
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 17 (4), 319-335, 2011
The ADI iteration for Lyapunov equations implicitly performs H 2 pseudo-optimal model order reduction
T Wolf, HKF Panzer
International Journal of Control 89 (3), 481-493, 2016
Efficient closed loop simulation of do-it-yourself artificial pancreas systems
J Schmitzer, C Strobel, R Blechschmidt, A Tappe, H Peuscher
Journal of diabetes science and technology 16 (1), 61-69, 2022
A strictly dissipative state space representation of second order systems
H Panzer, T Wolf, B Lohmann
at-Automatisierungstechnik 60 (7), 392-397, 2012
Fast H2-optimal model order reduction exploiting the local nature of Krylov-subspace methods
A Castagnotto, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 1958-1969, 2016
Stability preservation for parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation
M Geuss, HKF Panzer, T Wolf, B Lohmann
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 1098-1103, 2014
Sylvester equations and the factorization of the error system in Krylov subspace methods
T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (2), 769-773, 2012
Parametric model order reduction of port-Hamiltonian systems by matrix interpolation
M Giftthaler, T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
at-Automatisierungstechnik 62 (9), 619-628, 2014
How to choose a single expansion point in Krylov-based model reduction?
R Eid, H Panzer, B Lohmann
Technical Reports on Automatic Control, 2009
ADI iteration for Lyapunov equations: A tangential approach and adaptive shift selection
T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
Applied Numerical Mathematics 109, 85-95, 2016
On the residual of large-scale Lyapunov equations for Krylov-based approximate solutions
T Wolf, HKF Panzer, B Lohmann
2013 American Control Conference, 2606-2611, 2013
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