Sandra Stålhandske
Sandra Stålhandske
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Cited by
Dissecting the contributions of plasticity and local adaptation to the phenology of a butterfly and its host plants
AB Phillimore, S Stålhandske, RJ Smithers, R Bernard
The American Naturalist 180 (5), 655-670, 2012
Effect of winter cold duration on spring phenology of the orange tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines
S StAalhandske, P Lehmann, P Pruisscher, O Leimar
Ecology and Evolution 5 (23), 5509-5520, 2015
Winter chilling speeds spring development of temperate butterflies
S Stålhandske, K Gotthard, O Leimar
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (4), 718-729, 2017
Variation in two phases of post‐winter development of a butterfly
S Stålhandske, K Gotthard, D Posledovich, O Leimar
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (12), 2644-2653, 2014
Phenological matching rather than genetic variation in host preference underlies geographical variation in host plants used by orange tip butterflies
S Stålhandske, M Olofsson, K Gotthard, J Ehrlén, C Wiklund, O Leimar
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119 (4), 1060-1067, 2016
Both spring warmth and winter chilling can affect spring phenology of butterflies
S Stålhandske, K Gotthard, O Leimar
2016 International Congress of Entomology, 2016
Spring warmth and winter chilling have contrasting effects on spring phenology of pupal-overwintering butterflies
S Stålhandske, K Gotthard, O Leimar
Spring Phenology of Butterflies: The role of seasonal variation in life-cycle regulation
S Stålhandske
Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, 2016
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Articles 1–8