Christopher Foster
Christopher Foster
Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
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Conceptualising inclusive innovation: Modifying systems of innovation frameworks to understand diffusion of new technology to low-income consumers
C Foster, R Heeks
The European Journal of Development Research 25, 333-355, 2013
New models of inclusive innovation for development
R Heeks, C Foster, Y Nugroho
Innovation and Development 4 (2), 175-185, 2014
COVID-19 and the case for global development
JA Oldekop, R Horner, D Hulme, R Adhikari, B Agarwal, M Alford, ...
World development 134, 105044, 2020
Innovation and scaling of ICT for the bottom-of-the-pyramid
C Foster, R Heeks
Journal of Information Technology 28 (4), 296-315, 2013
Digital control in value chains: Challenges of connectivity for East African firms
C Foster, M Graham, L Mann, T Waema, N Friederici
Economic Geography 94 (1), 68-86, 2018
The international trade regime and the quest for free digital trade
S Azmeh, C Foster, J Echavarri
International Studies Review 22 (3), 671-692, 2020
Reconsidering the role of the digital in global production networks
C Foster, M Graham
Global Networks 17 (1), 68-88, 2017
Analyzing policy for inclusive innovation: the mobile sector and base-of-the-pyramid markets in Kenya
C Foster, R Heeks
Innovation and Development 3 (1), 103-119, 2013
Latecomer economies and national digital policy: An industrial policy perspective
C Foster, S Azmeh
The Journal of Development Studies 56 (7), 1247-1262, 2020
Globalisation in reverse? Reconfiguring the geographies of value chains and production networks
H Gong, R Hassink, C Foster, M Hess, H Garretsen
Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society 15 (2), 165-181, 2022
Policies to support inclusive innovation
C Foster, R Heeks
Development Informatics working paper 61 (61), 2015
Nurturing user–producer interaction: inclusive innovation flows in a low-income mobile phone market
C Foster, R Heeks
Innovation and Development 4 (2), 221-237, 2014
Researching ICT Micro‐Enterprise in Developing Countries: Themes, Wider Concepts and Future Directions
C Foster, R Heeks
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 43 (1 …, 2010
The TPP and the digital trade agenda: Digital industrial policy and Silicon Valley's influence on new trade agreements
S Azmeh, C Foster
Working Paper Series, 2016
Does quality matter for innovations in low income markets? The case of the Kenyan mobile phone sector
C Foster
Technology in Society 38, 119-129, 2014
A quantitative approach to innovation in agricultural value chains: Evidence from Kenyan horticulture
A Krishnan, C Foster
The European Journal of Development Research 30, 108-135, 2018
Drivers of inclusive innovation in developing country markets: a policy perspective
C Foster, R Heeks
Inclusive Innovation for Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice, 57-74, 2016
China’s digital expansion in the Global South: Systematic literature review and future research agenda
R Heeks, AV Ospina, C Foster, P Gao, X Han, N Jepson, S Schindler, ...
The Information Society 40 (2), 69-95, 2024
Exploring big data for development: an electricity sector case study from India
R Sengupta, R Heeks, S Chattapadhyay, C Foster
Development Informatics Working Paper, 2017
The Internet and Tourism in Rwanda
C Foster, M Graham
Project report, Oxford Internet Insitute, Oxford, UK, 2015
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