Wenbo Wang
Wenbo Wang
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Carrier aggregation for LTE-advanced mobile communication systems
G Yuan, X Zhang, W Wang, Y Yang
IEEE communications Magazine 48 (2), 88-93, 2010
Radio resource allocation in LTE-advanced cellular networks with M2M communications
K Zheng, F Hu, W Wang, W Xiang, M Dohler
IEEE communications Magazine 50 (7), 184-192, 2012
Subcarrier pairing for amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward OFDM relay links
Y Li, W Wang, J Kong, M Peng
IEEE Communications Letters 13 (4), 209-211, 2009
Hierarchical cooperative relay based heterogeneous networks
M Peng, Y Liu, D Wei, W Wang, HH Chen
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 (3), 48-56, 2011
Technologies and standards fortd-scdma evolutions to imt-advanced
M Peng, W Wang
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (12), 50-58, 2009
Performance analysis of multiuser diversity in MIMO systems with antenna selection
X Zhang, Z Lv, W Wang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (1), 15-21, 2008
Exact outage performance of cognitive relay networks with maximum transmit power limits
Z Yan, X Zhang, W Wang
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (12), 1317-1319, 2011
Outage performance study of cognitive relay networks with imperfect channel knowledge
X Zhang, J Xing, Z Yan, Y Gao, W Wang
IEEE Communications Letters 17 (1), 27-30, 2012
Performance analysis of selective opportunistic spectrum access with traffic prediction
G Yuan, RC Grammenos, Y Yang, W Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (4), 1949-1959, 2009
Multiuser diversity in multiuser two-hop cooperative relay wireless networks: System model and performance analysis
X Zhang, W Wang, X Ji
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (2), 1031-1036, 2008
Performance analysis of multiuser diversity in cooperative multi-relay networks under Rayleigh-fading channels
S Chen, W Wang, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (7), 3415-3419, 2009
Performance analysis of OSTBC transmission in amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks
S Chen, W Wang, X Zhang, Z Sun
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (1), 105-113, 2009
On the study of outage performance for cognitive relay networks (CRN) with the Nth best-relay selection in Rayleigh-fading channels
X Zhang, Z Yan, Y Gao, W Wang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2 (1), 110-113, 2012
Multihop cellular networks toward LTE-advanced
K Zheng, B Fan, Z Ma, G Liu, X Shen, W Wang
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 4 (3), 40-47, 2009
A novel decoding-and-forward scheme with joint modulation for two-way relay channel
Z Chen, H Liu, W Wang
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (12), 1149-1151, 2010
Cooperative network coding in relay-based IMT-advanced systems
M Peng, C Yang, Z Zhao, W Wang, HH Chen
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (4), 76-84, 2012
Interference coordination for OFDM-based multihop LTE-advanced networks
K Zheng, B Fan, J Liu, Y Lin, W Wang
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 (1), 54-63, 2011
Enhancing spectral-energy efficiency forLTE-advanced heterogeneous networks: a users social pattern perspective
X Zhang, Y Zhang, R Yu, W Wang, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (2), 10-17, 2014
Algorithms for secrecy guarantee with null space beamforming in two-way relay networks
Y Yang, C Sun, H Zhao, H Long, W Wang
IEEE transactions on signal processing 62 (8), 2111-2126, 2014
Power provisioning and relay positioning for two-way relay channel with analog network coding
Y Li, X Zhang, M Peng, W Wang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 18 (9), 517-520, 2011
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