Florian Pigorsch
Florian Pigorsch
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Exploiting structure in an AIG based QBF solver.
F Pigorsch, C Scholl
DATE 2 (1), 2.5, 2009
Exact state set representations in the verification of linear hybrid systems with large discrete state space
W Damm, S Disch, H Hungar, S Jacobs, J Pang, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, ...
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2007
Fully symbolic model checking for timed automata
G Morbé, F Pigorsch, C Scholl
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
An AIG-based QBF-solver using SAT for preprocessing
F Pigorsch, C Scholl
Proceedings of the 47th Design Automation Conference, 170-175, 2010
Advanced unbounded model checking based on AIGs, BDD sweeping, and quantifier scheduling
F Pigorsch, C Scholl, S Disch
2006 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, 89-96, 2006
Exact and fully symbolic verification of linear hybrid automata with large discrete state spaces
W Damm, H Dierks, S Disch, W Hagemann, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, ...
Science of Computer Programming 77 (10-11), 1122-1150, 2012
Computing optimized representations for non-convex polyhedra by detection and removal of redundant linear constraints
C Scholl, S Disch, F Pigorsch, S Kupferschmid
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2009
Automatic verification of hybrid systems with large discrete state space
W Damm, S Disch, H Hungar, J Pang, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, U Waldmann, ...
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2006
Simple interpolants for linear arithmetic
C Scholl, F Pigorsch, S Disch, E Althaus
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1-6, 2014
The QBF Solver AIGSolve.
C Scholl, F Pigorsch
QBF@ SAT, 55-62, 2016
Using an SMT solver and Craig interpolation to detect and remove redundant linear constraints in representations of non-convex polyhedra
C Scholl, S Disch, F Pigorsch, S Kupferschmid
Proceedings of the Joint Workshops of the 6th International Workshop on …, 2008
Lemma localization: A practical method for downsizing SMT-interpolants
F Pigorsch, C Scholl
2013 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2013
Enhanced Integration of QBF Solving Techniques.
S Reimer, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, B Becker
MBMV, 133-143, 2012
Integration of orthogonal QBF solving techniques
S Reimer, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, B Becker
2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe, 1-6, 2011
Using Implications for Optimizing State Set Representations of Linear Hybrid Systems.
F Pigorsch, C Scholl
MBMV, 77-86, 2009
W Damm, S Disch, H Hungar, SJJ Pang, F Pigorsch, CSUWB Wirtz
of Proceedings: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 5th International Symposium, ATVA 2007
W Damm, S Disch, H Hungar, J Pang, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, U Waldmann, ...
Springer, 2006
qmaiga: A combination of AIG based und search based QBF solvers
S Reimer, F Pigorsch, M Lewis, B Becker, C Scholl
AIGSolve-An AIG-Based QBF Solver
F Pigorsch, C Scholl
Accelerating Verification for Hybrid Systems with Large Discrete State Space
W Damm, S Disch, H Hungar, S Jacobs, J Pang, F Pigorsch, C Scholl, ...
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Articles 1–20