Martin Gartmeier
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Zitiert von
Negative knowledge: Understanding professional learning and expertise
M Gartmeier, J Bauer, H Gruber, H Heid
Vocations and Learning 1, 87-103, 2008
Fostering professional communication skills of future physicians and teachers: effects of e-learning with video cases and role-play
M Gartmeier, J Bauer, MR Fischer, T Hoppe-Seyler, G Karsten, ...
Instructional Science 43, 443-462, 2015
How do teachers evaluate their parent communication competence? Latent profiles and relationships to workplace behaviors
M Gartmeier, M Gebhardt, B Dotger
Teaching and Teacher Education 55, 207-216, 2016
Error orientation and reflection at work
S Hetzner, M Gartmeier, H Heid, H Gruber
Vocations and Learning 4, 25-39, 2011
Modellierung und Assessment professioneller Gesprächsführungskompetenz von Lehrpersonen im Lehrer-Elterngespräch
M Gartmeier, J Bauer, MR Fischer, G Karsten, M Prenzel
Stationen empirischer Bildungsforschung: Traditionslinien und Perspektiven …, 2011
Emotions, technology, design, and learning
SY Tettegah, M Gartmeier
Academic Press, 2015
Gespräche zwischen Lehrpersonen und Eltern: Herausforderungen und Strategien der Förderung kommunikativer Kompetenz
M Gartmeier
Springer-Verlag, 2017
The interplay between change and learning at the workplace: A qualitative study from retail banking
S Hetzner, M Gartmeier, H Heid, H Gruber
Journal of Workplace Learning 21 (5), 398-415, 2009
Representational scaffolding in digital simulations–learning professional practices in higher education
F Fischer, E Bauer, T Seidel, R Schmidmaier, A Radkowitsch, ...
Information and Learning Sciences 123 (11/12), 645-665, 2022
Investigation on the acquisition of scientific competences during medical studies and the medical doctoral thesis
N Epstein, J Huber, M Gartmeier, PO Berberat, M Reimer, MR Fischer
GMS journal for medical education 35 (2), 2018
Workplace errors and negative knowledge in elder care nursing
M Gartmeier, J Bauer, H Gruber, H Heid
Human Resource Development International 13 (1), 5-25, 2010
Kompetenzorientierter Unterricht im Kontext nationaler Bildungsstandards
K Müller, M Gartmeier, M Prenzel
Bildung und Erziehung 66 (2), 127-144, 2013
Welchen Problemen begegnen Lehrkräfte beim Führen von Elterngesprächen? Und welche Schlussfolgerungen ergeben sich daraus für die Vermittlung von Gesprächsführungskompetenz?
M Gartmeier, J Bauer, A Noll, M Prenzel
DDS–Die Deutsche Schule 104 (4), 374-382, 2012
Emotions, technology, design, and learning
M Gartmeier, SY Tettegaah
Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2015
Teacher questions and student responses in case-based learning: outcomes of a video study in medical education
M Gartmeier, T Pfurtscheller, A Hapfelmeier, M Grünewald, J Häusler, ...
BMC medical education 19, 1-13, 2019
Tracing error-related knowledge in interview data: negative knowledge in elder care nursing
M Gartmeier, H Gruber, H Heid
Educational Gerontology 36 (9), 733-752, 2010
Human fallibility and learning from errors at work
J Bauer, M Gartmeier, C Harteis
Human fallibility: The ambiguity of errors for work and learning, 155-169, 2012
Differential learning gains in professional conversation training: A latent profile analysis of competence acquisition in teacher-parent and physician-patient communication
J Bauer, M Gartmeier, AB Wiesbeck, GE Moeller, G Karsten, MR Fischer, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 61, 1-10, 2018
Medizinstudium: Fakten statt Mythen
M Gartmeier, N Epstein, P Berberat, MR Fischer
Dtsch Arztebl 114 (40), A-1799, B‑1532, C‑1501, 2017
Development and validation of a computer-based situational judgement test to assess medical students’ communication skills in the field of shared decision making
C Kiessling, J Bauer, M Gartmeier, P Iblher, G Karsten, J Kiesewetter, ...
Patient Education and Counseling 99 (11), 1858-1864, 2016
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