Slim Abdennadher
Slim Abdennadher
Professor of Computer Science, German International University in Cairo
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Enhancing one-class support vector machines for unsupervised anomaly detection
M Amer, M Goldstein, S Abdennadher
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD workshop on outlier detection and description …, 2013
Essentials of constraint programming
T Frühwirth, S Abdennadher
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Operational semantics and confluence of constraint propagation rules
S Abdennadher
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 1997
Nurse scheduling using constraint logic programming
S Abdennadher, H Schlenker
AAAI/IAAI, 838-843, 1999
University course timetabling using constraint handling rules
S Abdennadher, M Marte
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14 (4), 311-325, 2000
Constraint-Programmierung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen
T Frühwirth, S Abdennadher
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Confluence and semantics of constraint simplification rules
S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth, H Meuss
Constraints 4, 133-165, 1999
CHR: A flexible query language
S Abdennadher, H Schütz
International conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, 1-14, 1998
How do you feel during the COVID-19 pandemic? A survey using psychological and linguistic self-report measures, and machine learning to investigate mental health, subjective …
C Herbert, A El Bolock, S Abdennadher
BMC psychology 9 (1), 90, 2021
JACK:: A Java Constraint Kit
S Abdennadher, E Krämer, M Saft, M Schmauss
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 64, 1-17, 2002
An experimental CLP platform for integrity constraints and abduction
S Abdennadher, H Christiansen
Flexible Query Answering Systems: Recent Advances Proceedings of the Fourth …, 2000
INTERDIP–an interactive constraint based nurse scheduler
S Abdennadher, H Schlenker
Proceedings of The First International Conference and Exhibition on The …, 1999
A design space for social presence in VR
A Yassien, P ElAgroudy, E Makled, S Abdennadher
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2020
On confluence of constraint handling rules
S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth, H Meuss
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming—CP96: Second …, 1996
Building a first language model for code-switch Arabic-English
I Hamed, M Elmahdy, S Abdennadher
Procedia Computer Science 117, 208-216, 2017
Investigations on speech recognition systems for low-resource dialectal Arabic–English code-switching speech
I Hamed, P Denisov, CY Li, M Elmahdy, S Abdennadher, NT Vu
Computer Speech & Language 72, 101278, 2022
Jooka: a bilingual chatbot for university admission
W El Hefny, Y Mansy, M Abdallah, S Abdennadher
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 9 …, 2021
Collection and analysis of code-switch Egyptian Arabic-English speech corpus
I Hamed, M Elmahdy, S Abdennadher
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
University timetabling using constraint handling rules.
S Abdennadher, M Marte
JFPLC, 39-50, 1998
ABBAS: an adaptive bio-sensors based assistive system
M ElKomy, Y Abdelrahman, M Funk, T Dingler, A Schmidt, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
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