Johannes Bureick
Johannes Bureick
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Geodätisches Institut, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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TLS-based composite structure deformation analysis validated with laser tracker
X Xu, J Bureick, H Yang, I Neumann
Composite Structures 202, 60-65, 2018
Robust spatial approximation of laser scanner point clouds by means of free-form curve approaches in deformation analysis
J Bureick, H Alkhatib, I Neumann
Journal of Applied Geodesy 10 (1), 27-35, 2016
TLS-based profile model analysis of major composite structures with robust B-spline method
X Xu, B Kargoll, J Bureick, H Yang, H Alkhatib, I Neumann
Composite Structures 184, 814-820, 2018
Curve and surface approximation of 3D point clouds
J Bureick, H Neuner, C Harmening, I Neumann
Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten 123 (11–12), 315-327, 2016
Comprehensive and highly accurate measurements of crane runways, profiles and fastenings
D Dennig, J Bureick, J Link, D Diener, C Hesse, I Neumann
Sensors 17 (5), 1118, 2017
Fast converging elitist genetic algorithm for knot adjustment in B-spline curve approximation
J Bureick, H Alkhatib, I Neumann
Journal of applied geodesy 13 (4), 317-328, 2019
Georeferencing of an unmanned aerial system by means of an iterated extended kalman filter using a 3d city model
J Bureick, S Vogel, I Neumann, J Unger, H Alkhatib
PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 87 …, 2019
Georeferencing of laser scanner-based kinematic multi-sensor systems in the context of iterated extended Kalman filters using geometrical constraints
S Vogel, H Alkhatib, J Bureick, R Moftizadeh, I Neumann
Sensors 19 (10), 2280, 2019
Statistical evaluation of the B-Splines approximation of 3D point clouds
H Alkhatib, B Kargoll, J Bureick, JA Paffenholz
Proceedings of the 2018 FIG-Kongresses, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-11, 2018
Geo-Referenzierung von Unmanned Aerial Systems über Laserscannermessungen und 3D-Gebäudemodelle
J Bureick, S Vogel, I Neumann, D Diener, H Alkhatib
DVW-Schriftenreihe 96, 63-74, 2019
Information-based georeferencing by dual state iterated extended Kalman filter with implicit measurement equations and nonlinear geometrical constraints
R Moftizadeh, J Bureick, S Vogel, I Neumann, H Alkhatib
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-9, 2020
Robuste Approximation von Laserscan-Profilen mit B-Spline-Kurven
J Bureick
Deutsche Geodätische Kommission (DGK) - Reihe C 852, 210, 2020
Impact of mathematical correlations on the statistic of the congruency test case study: B-splines surface approximation from bridge observations
G Kermarrec, H Alkhatib, J Bureick, B Kargoll
Information-Based Georeferencing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Dual State Kalman Filter with Implicit Measurement Equations
R Moftizadeh, S Vogel, I Neumann, J Bureick, H Alkhatib
Remote Sensing 13 (16), 3205, 2021
Synchronization aspects of sensor and data fusion in a research multi-sensor-system
JA Paffenholz, J Bureick, D Diener, J Link
Kinematisches Monitoring von Führungs-, Fahr-und Leitschienen im industriellen Umfeld
I Neumann, D Dennig, D Diener, C Hesse, J Link, J Bureick
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