Thomas Kletschkowski
Thomas Kletschkowski
Full Professor for Adaptronics and Structural Dynamics, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
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Endochronic viscoplastic material models for filled PTFE
T Kletschkowski, U Schomburg, A Bertram
Mechanics of Materials 34 (12), 795-808, 2002
Analytical stress solutions of a closed deformation path with stretching and shearing using the hypoelastic formulations
RC Lin, U Schomburg, T Kletschkowski
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 22 (3), 443-461, 2003
Adaptive Feed-forward Control of Low Frequency Interior Noise
T Kletschkowski
Springer, 2012
An endochronic viscoplastic approach for materials with different behavior in tension and compression
T Kletschkowski, U Schomburg, A Bertram
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 8, 119-135, 2004
Experimental characterization of multifunctional polymer electrolyte coa- ted carbon fibres
H Schutzeichel, M. O, T Kletschkowski, P Linde, L Asp
Functional Composites and Structures 1 (2), 1-17, 2019
From art to engineering: a technical review on the problem of vibrating canvas part i: excitation and efforts of vibration reduction
K Kracht, T Kletschkowski
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering 15 (1), 163-182, 2017
Experimental Investigations onthe Plastic Memory Effectof PTFE Compounds
T Kletschkowski, U Schomburg, S Subramanian
Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science 9 (2), 113-130, 2000
Viskoplastische Materialmodellierung am Beispiel des Dichtungswerkstoffs Polytetrafluorethylen
T Kletschkowski, A Bertram, U Schornburg
Technische Mechanik-European Journal of Engineering Mechanics 21 (3), 227-241, 2001
A rate-dependent endochronic approach to thermoplastic materials: temperature and filler volume fraction dependence
T Kletschkowski, U Schomburg, A Bertram
Mechanics of materials 37 (6), 687-704, 2005
Identification of noise sources in an aircraft fuselage using an inverse method based on a finite element model
T Kletschkowski, M Weber, D Sachau
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 97 (6), 974-983, 2011
Computational analysis of PTFE shaft seals
T Kletschkowski, U Schomburg, A Bertram
Computational materials science 32 (3-4), 392-399, 2005
Identification of noise sources by means of inverse finite element method using measured data
M Weber, T Kletschkowski, D Sachau
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (5), 3064, 2008
Active noise reduction in bedrooms
D Sachau, T Kletschkowski, K Kochan
Proc of IMAC XXVI a conference and exposition on structural dynamics …, 2008
Active noise control in a semi-closed aircraft cabin
K Kochan, T Kletschkowski, D Sachau, H Breitbach
Noise & Vibration Worldwide 41 (3), 8-20, 2010
Combined active noise control and audio in a light jet
O Pabst, T Kletschkowski, D Sachau
Sixteenth IntConfon Sound and Vibration;-July; Krakow, Poland, 2009
Active noise control in light jet aircraft
O Pabst, T Kletschkowski, D Sachau
Journal of The Acoustical Society of America 123 (5), 3875-3875, 2008
Entwicklung von Messtechniken zur Lärmquellenidentifizierung in Kabinen
D Sachau, J Drenckhan, T Kletschkowski, S Petersen
Final report LUFO HH TUT-34, Helmut Schmidt University/University of the …, 2005
Stability Im- provement of Motion of a Rotor with an Active Control Method
M Liao, R Gasch, O Kolk, T Kletschkowski
J. of Vibration and Control, 291 -308, 2000
Microscale thermal modelling of multifunctional composite materials made from polymer electrolyte coated carbon fibres including homogenization and model reduction strategies
MOH Schutzeichel, T Kletschkowski, HP Monner
Applied Mechanics 2 (4), 739-765, 2021
Effective stiffness and thermal expansion of three-phase multifunctional polymer electrolyte coated carbon fibre composite materials
MOH Schutzeichel, T Kletschkowski, HP Monner
Functional Composites and Structures 3 (1), 015009, 2021
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