Yves Rosseel
Yves Rosseel
Professor of Data Analysis, Ghent University
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lavaan: An R package for structural equation modeling
Y Rosseel
Journal of statistical software 48, 1-36, 2012
semTools: Useful tools for structural equation modeling
TD Jorgensen, S Pornprasertmanit, AM Schoemann, Y Rosseel, P Miller, ...
R package version 0.5 1, 2018
semTools: Useful tools for structural equation modeling. R package version 0.5-1
TD Jorgensen, S Pornprasertmanit, AM Schoemann, Y Rosseel
The relation between elementary students' recreational and academic reading motivation, reading frequency, engagement, and comprehension: A self-determination theory perspective.
J De Naeghel, H Van Keer, M Vansteenkiste, Y Rosseel
Journal of educational psychology 104 (4), 1006, 2012
On the definition of signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio for fMRI data
M Welvaert, Y Rosseel
PloS one 8 (11), e77089, 2013
The relationship between the perception of distributed leadership in secondary schools and teachers' and teacher leaders' job satisfaction and organizational commitment
H Hulpia, G Devos, Y Rosseel
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 20 (3), 291-317, 2009
Package ‘lavaan’
Y Rosseel, D Oberski, J Byrnes, L Vanbrabant, V Savalei, E Merkle, ...
Retrieved June 17 (1), 2017, 2017
White matter hyperintensities and imaging patterns of brain ageing in the general population
M Habes, G Erus, JB Toledo, T Zhang, N Bryan, LJ Launer, Y Rosseel, ...
Brain 139 (4), 1164-1179, 2016
The lavaan tutorial
Y Rosseel
Department of Data Analysis: Ghent University, 2014
The influence of student characteristics and interpersonal teacher behaviour in the classroom on student’s wellbeing
K Van Petegem, A Aelterman, H Van Keer, Y Rosseel
Social indicators research 85, 279-291, 2008
Psychometric properties of the Dutch Rosenberg self-esteem scale
E Franck, R De Raedt, C Barbez, Y Rosseel
Psychologica Belgica 48 (1), 25-35, 2008
Assessing fit in ordinal factor analysis models: SRMR vs. RMSEA
D Shi, A Maydeu-Olivares, Y Rosseel
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 27 (1), 1-15, 2020
blavaan: Bayesian structural equation models via parameter expansion
EC Merkle, Y Rosseel
Journal of statistical software 85, 1-30, 2018
Development and validation of scores on the distributed leadership inventory
H Hulpia, G Devos, Y Rosseel
Educational and Psychological Measurement 69 (6), 1013-1034, 2009
Inpatient treatment for children with obesity: weight loss, psychological well-being, and eating behavior
C Braet, A Tanghe, V Decaluwé, E Moens, Y Rosseel
Journal of pediatric psychology 29 (7), 519-529, 2004
Maladaptive schemas and psychopathology in adolescence: On the utility of young’s schema theory in youth
L Van Vlierberghe, C Braet, G Bosmans, Y Rosseel, S Bögels
Cognitive therapy and research 34, 316-332, 2010
Assessing fit in structural equation models: A Monte-Carlo evaluation of RMSEA versus SRMR confidence intervals and tests of close fit
A Maydeu-Olivares, D Shi, Y Rosseel
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 25 (3), 389-402, 2018
The factor structure of the Beck Depression Inventory–II: An evaluation
S Vanheule, M Desmet, H Groenvynck, Y Rosseel, J Fontaine
Assessment 15 (2), 177-187, 2008
The psychological impact of forced displacement and related risk factors on Eastern Congolese adolescents affected by war
C Mels, I Derluyn, E Broekaert, Y Rosseel
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 51 (10), 1096-1104, 2010
Student perception as moderator for student wellbeing
K Van Petegem, A Aelterman, Y Rosseel, B Creemers
Social indicators research 83, 447-463, 2007
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