Jonathan Pinckney
Cited by
Cited by
Days of rage: Introducing the NAVCO 3.0 dataset
E Chenoweth, J Pinckney, O Lewis
Journal of Peace Research 55 (4), 524-534, 2018
Nonviolent Resistance and the Quality of Democracy
FS Bethke, J Pinckney
Conflict Management and Peace Science, 2019
Making or Breaking Nonviolent Discipline in Civil Resistance Movements
J Pinckney
ICNC Press, 2016
From dissent to democracy: The promise and perils of civil resistance transitions
JC Pinckney
Oxford University Press, 2020
Collecting data on nonviolent action: Lessons learned and ways forward
J Day, J Pinckney, E Chenoweth
Journal of Peace Research 52 (1), 129-133, 2015
Sickness or Silence: Social Movement Adaptation to COVID-19
J Pinckney, M Rivers
Journal of International Affairs 73 (2), 23-42, 2020
Organizations, resistance, and democracy: How civil society organizations impact democratization
J Pinckney, C Butcher, JM Braithwaite
International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), sqab094, 2022
Tangled up in blue: The effect of UN peacekeeping on nonviolent protests in post–civil war countries
M Belgioioso, JD Salvatore, J Pinckney
International Studies Quarterly 65 (1), 1-15, 2021
When Civil Resistance Succeeds: Building Democracy After Popular Nonviolent Uprisings
J Pinckney
Washington, DC: International Center on Nonviolent Conflict Press, 2018
Moral logics of support for nonviolent resistance: evidence from a cross-national survey experiment
S Dahlum, J Pinckney, T Wig
Comparative Political Studies 56 (3), 326-362, 2023
Friday on my mind: Re-assessing the impact of protest size on government concessions
C Butcher, J Pinckney
Journal of Conflict Resolution 66 (7-8), 1320-1355, 2022
Introducing the anatomy of resistance campaigns (ARC) dataset
C Butcher, JM Braithwaite, J Pinckney, E Haugseth, IV Bakken, ...
Journal of Peace Research 59 (3), 449-460, 2022
Digital Authoritarianism and Nonviolent Action: Challenging the Digital Counterrevolution
M Cebul, J Pinckney
USIP Special Report 499, 2021
When the levee breaks: A forecasting model of violent and nonviolent dissent
J Pinckney, B RezaeeDaryakenari
International Interactions 48 (5), 997-1026, 2022
Nonviolent Resistance, Social Justice, and Positive Peace
J Pinckney
The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Peace, 2021
Nonviolent Action and Transitions to Democracy: The Impact of Inclusive Dialogue and Negotiation
V Dudouet, J Pinckney
USIP Peaceworks 174, 2021
Amid Coronavirus, Online Activism Confronts Digital Authoritarianism
J Pinckney
United States Institute of Peace 28, 2020
Struggles from below: literature review on human rights struggles by domestic actors
E Chenoweth, K Hunter, P Moore, T Olsen, J Pinkney, ...
IIE Center for Academic Mobility Research & Impact, 2017
Curving the resource curse: Negative effects of oil and gas revenue on nonviolent resistance campaign onset
J Pinckney
Research & Politics 7 (2), 1-6, 2020
Nonviolent action in the time of coronavirus
J Pinckney, M Rivers
United States Institute of Peace 25, 2020
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Articles 1–20