Vinay C Patil
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Zitiert von
Physical design obfuscation of hardware: A comprehensive investigation of device and logic-level techniques
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, DE Holcomb, C Paar, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (1), 64-77, 2016
Machine learning resistant strong PUF: Possible or a pipe dream?
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, CB Prado, S Kundu
2016 IEEE international symposium on hardware oriented security and trust …, 2016
On improving reliability of SRAM-based physically unclonable functions
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, S Kundu
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 7 (1), 2, 2017
Preventing DNN model IP theft via hardware obfuscation
BF Goldstein, VC Patil, VC Ferreira, AS Nery, FMG França, S Kundu
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 11 (2 …, 2021
On design of temperature invariant physically unclonable functions based on ring oscillators
R Kumar, VC Patil, S Kundu
2012 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 165-170, 2012
Realizing strong PUF from weak PUF via neural computing
L Santiago, VC Patil, CB Prado, TAO Alves, LAJ Marzulo, FMG França, ...
2017 IEEE international symposium on defect and fault tolerance in VLSI and …, 2017
On Enhancing Reliability of Weak PUFs via Intelligent Post-Silicon Accelerated Aging
MN Islam, VC Patil, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (3), 960-969, 2018
Design of unique and reliable physically unclonable functions based on current starved inverter chain
R Kumar, VC Patil, S Kundu
2011 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 224-229, 2011
Improving reliability of weak PUFs via circuit techniques to enhance mismatch
VC Patil, A Vijayakumar, DE Holcomb, S Kundu
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2017
Determining proximal geolocation of IoT edge devices via covert channel
MN Islam, VC Patil, S Kundu
2017 18th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 196-202, 2017
An efficient method for clock skew scheduling to reduce peak current
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, S Kundu
2016 29th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2016 15th …, 2016
On testing physically unclonable functions for uniqueness
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, S Kundu
2016 17th International symposium on quality electronic design (ISQED), 368-373, 2016
Realizing robust, lightweight strong PUFs for securing smart grids
VC Patil, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 68 (1), 5-13, 2021
A guide to graceful aging: How not to overindulge in post-silicon burn-in for enhancing reliability of weak PUF
MN Islam, VC Patil, S Kundu
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-4, 2017
Design of robust, high-entropy strong PUFs via weightless neural network
L Santiago de Araújo, V C. Patil, C B. Prado, T AO Alves, L AJ Marzulo, ...
Journal of Hardware and Systems Security 3, 235-249, 2019
Peer pressure on identity: On requirements for disambiguating PUFs in noisy environment
P Ramesh, VC Patil, S Kundu
2017 IEEE North Atlantic test workshop (NATW), 1-4, 2017
On pattern generation for maximizing IR drop
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, G Paladugu, S Kundu
Fifteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 731-737, 2014
Combination frequency differencing for identifying design weaknesses in physical unclonable functions
DR Kuhn, MS Raunak, C Prado, VC Patil, RN Kacker
2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2022
On leveraging multi-threshold FinFETs for design obfuscation
VC Patil, S Kundu
2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 108-113, 2020
Manufacturer turned attacker: Dangers of stealthy trojans via threshold voltage manipulation
VC Patil, A Vijayakumar, S Kundu
2017 IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW), 1-6, 2017
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