Michael Schulz
Michael Schulz
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Changes in atmospheric constituents and in radiative forcing. Chapter 2
P Forster, V Ramaswamy, P Artaxo, T Berntsen, R Betts, DW Fahey, ...
Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment
TC Bond, SJ Doherty, DW Fahey, PM Forster, T Berntsen, BJ DeAngelo, ...
Journal of geophysical research: Atmospheres 118 (11), 5380-5552, 2013
Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: from CMIP3 to CMIP5
JL Dufresne, MA Foujols, S Denvil, A Caubel, O Marti, O Aumont, ...
Climate dynamics 40, 2123-2165, 2013
Analysis and quantification of the diversities of aerosol life cycles within AeroCom
C Textor, M Schulz, S Guibert, S Kinne, Y Balkanski, S Bauer, T Berntsen, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (7), 1777-1813, 2006
Global dust model intercomparison in AeroCom phase I
N Huneeus, M Schulz, Y Balkanski, J Griesfeller, J Prospero, S Kinne, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (15), 7781-7816, 2011
A review of measurement-based assessments of the aerosol direct radiative effect and forcing
H Yu, YJ Kaufman, M Chin, G Feingold, LA Remer, TL Anderson, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (3), 613-666, 2006
The CAMS reanalysis of atmospheric composition
A Inness, M Ades, A Agustí-Panareda, J Barré, A Benedictow, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (6), 3515-3556, 2019
Emissions of primary aerosol and precursor gases in the years 2000 and 1750 prescribed data-sets for AeroCom
F Dentener, S Kinne, T Bond, O Boucher, J Cofala, S Generoso, P Ginoux, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (12), 4321-4344, 2006
Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations
G Myhre, BH Samset, M Schulz, Y Balkanski, S Bauer, TK Berntsen, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (4), 1853-1877, 2013
An AeroCom initial assessment–optical properties in aerosol component modules of global models
S Kinne, M Schulz, C Textor, S Guibert, Y Balkanski, SE Bauer, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (7), 1815-1834, 2006
Dust sources and deposition during the last glacial maximum and current climate: A comparison of model results with paleodata from ice cores and marine sediments
N Mahowald, K Kohfeld, M Hansson, Y Balkanski, SP Harrison, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D13), 15895-15916, 1999
Bounding global aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
N Bellouin, J Quaas, E Gryspeerdt, S Kinne, P Stier, D Watson‐Parris, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 58 (1), e2019RG000660, 2020
Frequency of extreme precipitation increases extensively with event rareness under global warming
G Myhre, K Alterskjær, CW Stjern, Ø Hodnebrog, L Marelle, BH Samset, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 16063, 2019
Single‐particle measurements of midlatitude black carbon and light‐scattering aerosols from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere
JP Schwarz, RS Gao, DW Fahey, DS Thomson, LA Watts, JC Wilson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D16), 2006
Radiative forcing by aerosols as derived from the AeroCom present-day and pre-industrial simulations
M Schulz, C Textor, S Kinne, Y Balkanski, S Bauer, T Berntsen, T Berglen, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 6 (12), 5225-5246, 2006
Production flux of sea spray aerosol
G De Leeuw, EL Andreas, MD Anguelova, CW Fairall, ER Lewis, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (2), 2011
Evaluation of black carbon estimations in global aerosol models
D Koch, M Schulz, S Kinne, C McNaughton, JR Spackman, Y Balkanski, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (22), 9001-9026, 2009
Modeling the mineralogy of atmospheric dust sources
T Claquin, M Schulz, YJ Balkanski
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D18), 22243-22256, 1999
Aerosol analysis and forecast in the European Centre for medium‐range weather forecasts integrated forecast system: Forward modeling
JJ Morcrette, O Boucher, L Jones, D Salmond, P Bechtold, A Beljaars, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D6), 2009
Reevaluation of Mineral aerosol radiative forcings suggests a better agreement with satellite and AERONET data
Y Balkanski, M Schulz, T Claquin, S Guibert
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (1), 81-95, 2007
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