Aviation English: A lingua franca for pilots and air traffic controllers D Estival, C Farris, B Molesworth Routledge, 2016 | 166 | 2016 |
Miscommunication in general aviation: The influence of external factors on communication errors BRC Molesworth, D Estival Safety science 73, 73-79, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Predicting pilots’ risk-taking behavior through an implicit association test BRC Molesworth, B Chang Human factors 51 (6), 845-857, 2009 | 88 | 2009 |
The use of noise cancelling headphones to improve concurrent task performance in a noisy environment BRC Molesworth, M Burgess, D Kwon Applied Acoustics 74 (1), 110-115, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Application of a human factors classification framework for patient safety to identify precursor and contributing factors to adverse clinical incidents in hospital RJ Mitchell, A Williamson, B Molesworth Applied ergonomics 52, 185-195, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Pilot see, pilot do: Examining the predictors of pilots’ risk management behaviour JL Drinkwater, BRC Molesworth Safety Science 48 (10), 1445-1451, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Improving pilots’ risk assessment skills in low-flying operations: The role of feedback and experience B Molesworth, MW Wiggins, D O’Hare Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (5), 954-960, 2006 | 57 | 2006 |
Tipping point: The narrow path between automation acceptance and rejection in air traffic management M Bekier, BRC Molesworth, A Williamson Safety science 50 (2), 259-265, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Improving intelligibility at a safety critical point: In flight cabin safety BRC Molesworth, M Burgess Safety science 51 (1), 11-16, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Employing humour and celebrities to manipulate passengers’ attention to pre-flight safety briefing videos in commercial aviation D Seneviratne, BRC Molesworth Safety Science 75, 130-135, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
'A study of EL2 pilots’ radio communication in the General Aviation environment D Estival, B Molesworth Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 32 (3), 24.1-24.16, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
An investigation into the factors that affect miscommunication between pilots and air traffic controllers in commercial aviation Q Wu, BRC Molesworth, D Estival The international journal of aerospace psychology 29 (1-2), 53-63, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Use of a human factors classification framework to identify causal factors for medication and medical device-related adverse clinical incidents RJ Mitchell, A Williamson, B Molesworth Safety science 79, 163-174, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
Radio miscommunication: EL2 pilots in the Australian general aviation environment D Estival, B Molesworth Linguistics and the Human Sciences 5 (3), 351-378, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
The effect on recognition memory of noise cancelling headphones in a noisy environment with native and nonnative speakers BRC Molesworth, M Burgess, B Gunnell, D Löffler, A Venjakob Noise and Health 16 (71), 240-247, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
A review of the use of human factors classification frameworks that identify causal factors for adverse events in the hospital setting RJ Mitchell, AM Williamson, B Molesworth, AZQ Chung Ergonomics 57 (10), 1443-1472, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Improving communication in general aviation through the use of noise cancelling headphones R Jang, BRC Molesworth, M Burgess, D Estival Safety science 62, 499-504, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Repairing faulty scripts to reduce speeding behaviour in young drivers P Prabhakharan, BRC Molesworth Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1696-1702, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
The influence of attitude towards individuals’ choice for a remotely piloted commercial flight: A latent class logit approach BRC Molesworth, TTR Koo Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 71, 51-62, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Which cognitive training intervention can improve young drivers’ speed management on the road? O Molloy, BRC Molesworth, A Williamson Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 68-80, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |