Hanif Rahbari
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Zitiert von
Exploiting Frame Preamble Waveforms to Support New Physical-Layer Functions in OFDM-Based 802.11 Systems
H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (6), 3775 - 3786, 2017
Swift Jamming Attack on Frequency Offset Estimation: The Achilles Heel of OFDM Systems
H Rahbari, M Krunz, L Lazos
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (5), 1264 - 1278, 2016
Adaptive frequency hopping algorithms for multicast rendezvous in DSA networks
MJ Abdel-Rahman, H Rahbari, M Krunz
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, 517-528, 2012
Secrecy beyond encryption: obfuscating transmission signatures in wireless communications
H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 54-60, 2015
Full Frame Encryption and Modulation Obfuscation Using Channel-independent Preamble Identifier
H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2016
Security Vulnerability and Countermeasures of Frequency Offset Correction in 802.11a Systems
H Rahbari, M Krunz, L Lazos
INFOCOM'14, 1015-1023, 2014
Systems and methods for securing wireless communications
MM Krunz, B Akgun, P Siyari, H Rahbari, RM Eletreby, OO Koyluoglu
US Patent 10,069,592, 2018
Friendly CryptoJam: A Mechanism for Securing Physical-Layer Attributes
H Rahbari, M Krunz
Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec'14), 2014
Multicast Rendezvous in Fast-varying DSA Networks
MJ Abdel-Rahman, H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (7), 1449 - 1462, 2015
Vehicle-to-Nothing? Securing C-V2X Against Protocol-Aware DoS Attacks
G Twardokus, H Rahbari
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1629-1638, 2022
Fast and secure rendezvous protocols for mitigating control channel DoS attacks
MJ Abdel-Rahman, H Rahbari, M Krunz, P Nain
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 370-374, 2013
Lightweight Machine Learning for Efficient Frequency-Offset-Aware Demodulation
P Siyari, H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (11), 2544-2558, 2019
When Cryptography Needs a Hand: Practical Post-Quantum Authentication for V2V Communications
G Twardokus, N Bindel, H Rahbari, S McCarthy
NDSS, 2024
Toward Protecting 5G Sidelink Scheduling in C-V2X Against Intelligent DoS Attacks
G Twardokus, H Rahbari
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (11), 7273-7286, 2023
Suitability of 3rd round signature candidates for vehicle-to-vehicle communication
N Bindel, S McCarthy, H Rahbari, G Twardokus
Third NIST PQC Standardization Conference, 2021
Supporting PHY-layer Security in Multi-link Wireless Networks Using Friendly Jamming
R Eletreby, H Rahbari, M Krunz
GLOBECOM'15, 2015
Rolling Preambles: Mitigating Stealthy FO Estimation Attacks in OFDM-based 802.11 Systems
H Rahbari, M Krunz
Communications and Network Security (CNS), 118-126, 2016
Targeted Discreditation Attack against Trust Management in Connected Vehicles
G Twardokus, J Ponicki, S Baker, P Carenzo, H Rahbari, S Mishra
IEEE ICC 2021, 2021
Rendezvous in dynamic spectrum wireless networks
MJ Abdel-Rahman, H Rahbari, M Krunz
University of Arizona, Tech. Rep. TR-UA-ECE-2013-2, 2013
Adaptive preamble embedding with MIMO to support user-defined functionalities in WLANs
Z Zhang, H Rahbari, M Krunz
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (2), 691-707, 2021
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