Lasse Klingbeil
Cited by
Cited by
ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors
G Aad, M Ackers, FA Alberti, M Aleppo, G Alimonti, J Alonso, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 3 (07), P07007, 2008
Transforming agriculture through pervasive wireless sensor networks
T Wark, P Corke, P Sikka, L Klingbeil, Y Guo, C Crossman, P Valencia, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 6 (2), 50-57, 2007
A wireless sensor network for real-time indoor localisation and motion monitoring
L Klingbeil, T Wark
Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2008. IPSN'08. International …, 2008
Real-Time Single-Frequency GPS/MEMS-IMU Attitude Determination of Lightweight UAVs
C Eling, L Klingbeil, H Kuhlmann
Sensors 15 (10), 26212-26235, 2015
Counting of grapevine berries in images via semantic segmentation using convolutional neural networks
L Zabawa, A Kicherer, L Klingbeil, R Töpfer, H Kuhlmann, R Roscher
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 164, 73-83, 2020
Detecting walking activity in cardiac rehabilitation by using accelerometer
N Bidargaddi, A Sarela, L Klingbeil, M Karunanithi
2007 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks …, 2007
Towards Automated Large-Scale 3D Phenotyping of Vineyards under Field Conditions
JC Rose, A Kicherer, M Wieland, L Klingbeil, R Töpfer, H Kuhlmann
Sensors 16 (12), 2136, 2016
Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using a UAV-Based Canopy Height Model Combined with an Objective Threshold Approach
N Wilke, B Siegmann, L Klingbeil, A Burkart, T Kraska, O Muller, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (5), 515, 2019
Pheno4D: A spatio-temporal dataset of maize and tomato plant point clouds for phenotyping and advanced plant analysis
D Schunck, F Magistri, RA Rosu, A Cornelißen, N Chebrolu, S Paulus, ...
Plos one 16 (8), e0256340, 2021
Wavelet based approach for posture transition estimation using a waist worn accelerometer
N Bidargaddi, L Klingbeil, A Sarela, J Boyle, V Cheung, C Yelland, ...
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007. EMBS 2007. 29th Annual …, 2007
Design, geometry evaluation, and calibration of a gyroscope-free inertial measurement unit
P Schopp, L Klingbeil, C Peters, Y Manoli
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 162 (2), 379-387, 2010
Development and Evaluation of a UAV based Mapping System for Remote Sensing and Surveying Applications.
C Eling, M Wieland, C Hess, L Klingbeil, H Kuhlmann
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial …, 2015
Detection of Single Grapevine Berries in Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
L Zabawa, A Kicherer, L Klingbeil, A Milioto, R Töpfer, H Kuhlmann, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Precise Positioning of UAVs - Dealing With Challenging RTK-GPS Measurement Conditions During Automated UAV Flights.
F Zimmermann, C Eling, L Klingbeil, H Kuhlmann
ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences 4, 2017
Phenoliner: A New Field Phenotyping Platform for Grapevine Research
A Kicherer, K Herzog, N Bendel, HC Klück, A Backhaus, M Wieland, ...
Sensors 17 (7), 1625, 2017
A study on indoor pedestrian localization algorithms with foot-mounted sensors
M Romanovas, V Goridko, A Al-Jawad, M Schwaab, L Klingbeil, ...
Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2012 International …, 2012
Fast and effective online pose estimation and mapping for UAVs
J Schneider, C Eling, L Klingbeil, H Kuhlmann, W Förstner, C Stachniss
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4784-4791, 2016
A modular PC based silicon microstrip beam telescope with high speed data acquisition
J Treis, P Fischer, H Krüger, L Klingbeil, T Lari, N Wermes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
GPS Multipath Analysis Using Fresnel Zones
F Zimmermann, B Schmitz, L Klingbeil, H Kuhlmann
Sensors 19 (1), 25, 2019
Experimental 2D extended Kalman filter sensor fusion for low-cost GNSS/IMU/Odometers precise positioning system
A Kaczmarek, W Rohm, L Klingbeil, J Tchórzewski
Measurement 193, 110963, 2022
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Articles 1–20