Friederike Lang
Friederike Lang
Professorin für Bodenökologie, Freiburg University
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Phosphorus depletion in forest soils shapes bacterial communities towards phosphorus recycling systems
F Bergkemper, A Schöler, M Engel, F Lang, J Krüger, M Schloter, ...
Environmental Microbiology 18 (6), 1988-2000, 2016
Understanding the fate and biological effects of Ag-and TiO2-nanoparticles in the environment: the quest for advanced analytics and interdisciplinary concepts
GE Schaumann, A Philippe, M Bundschuh, G Metreveli, S Klitzke, ...
Science of the Total Environment 535, 3-19, 2015
Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities
TS George, CD Giles, D Menezes-Blackburn, LM Condron, ...
Plant and Soil 427, 191-208, 2018
Phosphorus in forest ecosystems: new insights from an ecosystem nutrition perspective
F Lang, J Bauhus, E Frossard, E George, K Kaiser, M Kaupenjohann, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (2), 129-135, 2016
Soil phosphorus supply controls P nutrition strategies of beech forest ecosystems in Central Europe
F Lang, J Krüger, W Amelung, S Willbold, E Frossard, EK Bünemann, ...
Biogeochemistry 136, 5-29, 2017
Dissolved and colloidal phosphorus fluxes in forest ecosystems—an almost blind spot in ecosystem research
R Bol, D Julich, D Brödlin, J Siemens, K Kaiser, MA Dippold, S Spielvogel, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (4), 425-438, 2016
The fate of silver nanoparticles in soil solution—Sorption of solutes and aggregation
S Klitzke, G Metreveli, A Peters, GE Schaumann, F Lang
Science of the Total Environment 535, 54-60, 2015
Novel oligonucleotide primers reveal a high diversity of microbes which drive phosphorous turnover in soil
F Bergkemper, S Kublik, F Lang, J Krüger, G Vestergaard, M Schloter, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 125, 91-97, 2016
Adsorption controls mobilization of colloids and leaching of dissolved phosphorus
J Siemens, K Ilg, F Lang, M Kaupenjohann
European Journal of Soil Science 55 (2), 253-263, 2004
Mobilization of Soluble and Dispersible Lead, Arsenic, and Antimony in a Polluted, Organic‐rich Soil–Effects of pH Increase and Counterion Valency
S Klitzke, F Lang
Journal of environmental quality 38 (3), 933-939, 2009
Carbon stocks of soil and vegetation on Danubian floodplains
A Cierjacks, B Kleinschmit, M Babinsky, F Kleinschroth, A Markert, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173 (5), 644-653, 2010
Effect of dissolved organic matter on the precipitation and mobility of the lead compound chloropyromorphite in solution
F Lang, M Kaupenjohann
European journal of soil science 54 (1), 139-148, 2003
Rhizosphere engineering for soil carbon sequestration
C Wang, Y Kuzyakov
Trends in Plant Science 29 (4), 447-468, 2024
Combining soil and tree‐stem flux measurements and soil gas profiles to understand CH4 pathways in Fagus sylvatica forests
M Maier, K Machacova, F Lang, K Svobodova, O Urban
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181 (1), 31-35, 2018
Agroforestry: an appropriate and sustainable response to a changing climate in Southern Africa?
JP Sheppard, R Bohn Reckziegel, L Borrass, PW Chirwa, CJ Cuaranhua, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6796, 2020
Quantifying components of the phosphorus cycle in temperate forests
J Sohrt, F Lang, M Weiler
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 4 (6), e1243, 2017
Increasing pH releases colloidal lead in a highly contaminated forest soil
S Klitzke, F Lang, M Kaupenjohann
European Journal of Soil Science 59 (2), 265-273, 2008
Soil Organic Matter Clogs Mineral Pores: Evidence from 1H‐NMR and N2 Adsorption
C Mikutta, F Lang, M Kaupenjohann
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6), 1853-1862, 2004
Phosphorus in water dispersible-colloids of forest soil profiles
A Missong, R Bol, V Nischwitz, J Krüger, F Lang, J Siemens, E Klumpp
Plant and soil 427, 71-86, 2018
Immobilisation of molybdate by iron oxides: effects of organic coatings
F Lang, M Kaupenjohann
Geoderma 113 (1-2), 31-46, 2003
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