Jakob Dideriksen
Jakob Dideriksen
Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark
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The effective neural drive to muscles is the common synaptic input to motor neurons
D Farina, F Negro, JL Dideriksen
The Journal of physiology 592 (16), 3427-3441, 2014
Motor unit recruitment strategies and muscle properties determine the influence of synaptic noise on force steadiness
JL Dideriksen, F Negro, RM Enoka, D Farina
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (12), 3357-3369, 2012
Online tremor suppression using electromyography and low-level electrical stimulation
S Dosen, S Muceli, JL Dideriksen, JP Romero, E Rocon, J Pons, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 23 (3 …, 2014
Neuromuscular adjustments that constrain submaximal EMG amplitude at task failure of sustained isometric contractions
JL Dideriksen, RM Enoka, D Farina
Journal of applied physiology 111 (2), 485-494, 2011
Influence of fatigue on the simulated relation between the amplitude of the surface electromyogram and muscle force
JL Dideriksen, D Farina, RM Enoka
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2010
Non-invasive characterization of motor unit behaviour in pathological tremor
A Holobar, V Glaser, JA Gallego, JL Dideriksen, D Farina
Journal of neural engineering 9 (5), 056011, 2012
An integrative model of motor unit activity during sustained submaximal contractions
JL Dideriksen, D Farina, M Baekgaard, RM Enoka
Journal of Applied Physiology 108 (6), 1550-1562, 2010
A novel technology for motion capture using passive UHF RFID tags
R Krigslund, S Dosen, P Popovski, JL Dideriksen, GF Pedersen, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (5), 1453-1457, 2012
Electrical stimulation of afferent pathways for the suppression of pathological tremor
JL Dideriksen, CM Laine, S Dosen, S Muceli, E Rocon, JL Pons, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 178, 2017
The phase difference between neural drives to antagonist muscles in essential tremor is associated with the relative strength of supraspinal and afferent input
JA Gallego, JL Dideriksen, A Holobar, J Ibáñez, V Glaser, JP Romero, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (23), 8925-8937, 2015
Influence of common synaptic input to motor neurons on the neural drive to muscle in essential tremor
JA Gallego, JL Dideriksen, A Holobar, J Ibáñez, JL Pons, ED Louis, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (1), 182-191, 2015
Neural and muscular determinants of maximal rate of force development
JL Dideriksen, A Del Vecchio, D Farina
Journal of Neurophysiology 123 (1), 149-157, 2020
A multimodal human–robot interface to drive a neuroprosthesis for tremor management
JÁ Gallego, J Ibanez, JL Dideriksen, JI Serrano, MD del Castillo, D Farina, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2012
A soft wearable robot for tremor assessment and suppression
JA Gallego, E Rocon, J Ibañez, JL Dideriksen, AD Koutsou, R Paradiso, ...
2011 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 2249-2254, 2011
Multimodal BCI-mediated FES suppression of pathological tremor
E Rocon, JA Gallego, L Barrios, AR Victoria, J Ibánez, D Farina, F Negro, ...
2010 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2010
EMG-based characterization of pathological tremor using the iterated Hilbert transform
JL Dideriksen, F Gianfelici, LZP Maneski, D Farina
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (10), 2911-2921, 2011
Deterministic accessory spinal movement in functional tasks characterizes individuals with low back pain
JL Dideriksen, L Gizzi, F Petzke, D Falla
Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (8), 1663-1668, 2014
Coherence of the surface EMG and common synaptic input to motor neurons
JL Dideriksen, F Negro, D Falla, SR Kristensen, N Mrachacz-Kersting, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 207, 2018
Inability to increase the neural drive to muscle is associated with task failure during submaximal contractions
E Martinez-Valdes, F Negro, D Falla, JL Dideriksen, CJ Heckman, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 124 (4), 1110-1121, 2020
Physiological recruitment of motor units by high-frequency electrical stimulation of afferent pathways
JL Dideriksen, S Muceli, S Dosen, CM Laine, D Farina
Journal of Applied Physiology 118 (3), 365-376, 2015
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Articles 1–20