Christian Adam
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Policy Accumulation and the Democratic Responsiveness Trap
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill, Y Steinebach
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Are Some Citizens More Equal than Others? Evidence from a Field Experiment
S Grohs, C Adam, C Knill
Public Administration Review 76 (1), 155-164, 2016
The termination of public organizations: Theoretical perspectives to revitalize a promising research area
C Adam, MW Bauer, C Knill, P Studinger
Public Organization Review 7, 221-236, 2007
On the Road to Permissiveness? Change and Convergence of Moral Regulation in Europe
C Knill, C Adam, S Hurka
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015
Introducing Vertical Policy Coordination to Comparative Policy Analysis: The Missing Link Between Policy Production and Implementation
A Christian, H Steffen, K Christoph, GB Peters, Y Steinebach
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 21 (5), 499-517, 2019
Neglected Challenges to Evidence-Based Policy-Making: the Problem of Policy Accumulation
C Adam, Y Steinebach, C Knill
Policy Sciences 51 (3), 269-290, 2018
Rule Growth and Government Effectiveness: Why it takes the Capacity to Learn and Coordinate to Constrain Rule Growth
C Adam, C Knill, X Fernandez-i-Marin
Policy Sciences 50 (2), 241-268, 2017
Four Styles of Regulation and their Implications for Comparative Policy Analysis
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 2015
Is Morality Policy Different? Testing Sectoral and Institutional Explanations of Policy Change
S Hurka, C Adam, C Knill
The Policy Studies Journal, 2016
Simulating Policy Diffusion through Learning: Reducing the Risk of False Positive Conclusions
C Adam
Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (3), 497-519, 2016
It's Not Always about Winning - Domestic Politics and Legal Success in EU Annulment Litigation
C Adam, MW Bauer, M Hartlapp
Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (2), 185-200, 2015
The Politics of Judicial Review: Supranational Administrative Acts and Judicialized Compliance Conflict in the EU
C Adam
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Explaining trends in addictive behaviour policy—The role of policy coherence
C Adam, A Raschzok
International Journal of Drug Policy 25 (3), 494-501, 2014
How Morality Politics determine Morality Policy Output – Partisan Effects on Morality Policy Change
C Adam, C Knill, ET Budde
Journal of European Public Policy 27 (7), 1015-1033, 2019
On democratic intelligence and failure: The vice and virtue of incrementalism under political fragmentation and policy accumulation
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill, Y Steinebach
Governance 35 (2), 525-543, 2022
From high judges to policy stakeholders: a public policy approach to the CJEU’s power
E Mathieu, C Adam, M Hartlapp
Journal of European Integration 40 (6), 653-666, 2018
Ausmaß und Ursachen von Organisationsabbau in der deutschen Verwaltung: Eine empirische Analyse der unmittelbaren Bundesverwaltung
C Knill, C Adam, MW Bauer
Verwaltungsarchiv 99 (2), 153-173, 2008
Differential discrimination against mobile EU citizens: experimental evidence from bureaucratic choice settings
C Adam, X Fernández-i-Marín, O James, A Manatschal, C Rapp, ...
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (5), 742-760, 2021
Policy Dismantling, Accumulation and Performance
C Knill, Y Steinebach, C Adam, S Hurka
A Modern Guide to Public Policy, 242-264, 2020
Policy and Organizational Termination
C Adam, MW Bauer
Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics, 2018
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