Pascal Jürgens
Pascal Jürgens
Dept. of Media Research, University of Trier, Germany
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Why the pirate party won the german election of 2009 or the trouble with predictions: A response to tumasjan, a., sprenger, to, sander, pg, & welpe, im “predicting elections …
A Jungherr, P Jürgens, H Schoen
Social science computer review 30 (2), 229-234, 2012
The mediation of politics through Twitter: An analysis of messages posted during the campaign for the German federal election 2013
A Jungherr, H Schoen, P Jürgens
Journal of computer-mediated communication 21 (1), 50-68, 2016
Digital trace data in the study of public opinion: An indicator of attention toward politics rather than political support
A Jungherr, H Schoen, O Posegga, P Jürgens
Social Science Computer Review 35 (3), 336-356, 2017
Small worlds with a difference: New gatekeepers and the filtering of political information on Twitter
P Jürgens, A Jungherr, H Schoen
Proceedings of the 3rd international web science conference, 1-5, 2011
The political click: political participation through E‐Petitions in Germany
A Jungherr, P Jürgens
Policy & Internet 2 (4), 131-165, 2010
Two half-truths make a whole? On bias in self-reports and tracking data
P Jürgens, B Stark, M Magin
Social Science Computer Review 38 (5), 600-615, 2020
Ganz meine Meinung? Informationsintermediäre und Meinungsbildung–Eine Mehrmethodenstudie am Beispiel von Facebook
B Stark, M Magin, P Jürgens
Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westalen (LfM), 2017
Forecasting the pulse: how deviations from regular patterns in online data can identify offline phenomena
A Jungherr, P Jürgens
Internet Research 23 (5), 589-607, 2013
The use of Twitter during the 2009 German national election
P Jürgens, A Jungherr
German politics 24 (4), 469-490, 2015
Through a glass, darkly: Tactical support and symbolic association in Twitter messages commenting on Stuttgart 21
A Jungherr, P Jürgens
Social science computer review 32 (1), 74-89, 2014
Are algorithms a threat to democracy? The rise of intermediaries: A challenge for public discourse
B Stark, D Stegmann, M Magin, P Jürgens
Algorithm Watch 26, 2020
Maßlos überschätzt. Ein Überblick über theoretische Annahmen und empirische Befunde zu Filterblasen und Echokammern
B Stark, M Magin, P Jürgens
Digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit: Historische Verortung, Modelle …, 2021
Wahlkampf vom Sofa aus: Twitter im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009
P Jürgens, A Jungherr
Das Internet im Wahlkampf: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009, 201-225, 2011
The power of default on Reddit: A general model to measure the influence of information intermediaries
P Jürgens, B Stark
Policy & Internet 9 (4), 395-419, 2017
Diversity in news recommendations
A Bernstein, C De Vreese, N Helberger, W Schulz, K Zweig, C Baden, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09495, 2020
Gefangen in der Filter Bubble
P Jürgens, B Stark, M Magin
Stark, B./Dörr, D. & Aufenanger, S.(Hg.): Die Googleisierung der …, 2014
Loopholes in the echo chambers: How the echo chamber metaphor oversimplifies the effects of information gateways on opinion expression
S Geiß, M Magin, P Jürgens, B Stark
Digital Journalism 9 (5), 660-686, 2021
Communities of communication: Making sense of the “social” in social media
P Jürgens
Journal of Technology in Human Services 30 (3-4), 186-203, 2012
Navigieren im Netz
B Stark, M Magin, P Jürgens
Die Googleisierung der Informationssuche, 20-74, 2014
Mapping exposure diversity: The divergent effects of algorithmic curation on news consumption
P Jürgens, B Stark
Journal of Communication 72 (3), 322-344, 2022
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