Philipp Rayling (Steinmetz)
Philipp Rayling (Steinmetz)
Left academia
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Large scale phase-field simulations of directional ternary eutectic solidification
J Hötzer, M Jainta, P Steinmetz, B Nestler, A Dennstedt, A Genau, ...
Acta Materialia 93, 194-204, 2015
The parallel multi-physics phase-field framework Pace3D
J Hötzer, A Reiter, H Hierl, P Steinmetz, M Selzer, B Nestler
Journal of computational science 26, 1-12, 2018
Extraction of reduced-order process-structure linkages from phase-field simulations
YC Yabansu, P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, SR Kalidindi, B Nestler
Acta Materialia 124, 182-194, 2017
Analytics for microstructure datasets produced by phase-field simulations
P Steinmetz, YC Yabansu, J Hötzer, M Jainta, B Nestler, SR Kalidindi
Acta Materialia 103, 192-203, 2016
Phase-field simulations of spiral growth during directional ternary eutectic solidification
J Hötzer, P Steinmetz, M Jainta, S Schulz, M Kellner, B Nestler, A Genau, ...
Acta Materialia 106, 249-259, 2016
Large-scale phase-field simulations of ternary eutectic microstructure evolution
P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, M Kellner, A Dennstedt, B Nestler
Computational Materials Science 117, 205-214, 2016
Massively parallel phase-field simulations for ternary eutectic directional solidification
M Bauer, J Hötzer, M Jainta, P Steinmetz, M Berghoff, F Schornbaum, ...
SC'15: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2015
Phase-field study of the pattern formation in Al–Ag–Cu under the influence of the melt concentration
P Steinmetz, M Kellner, J Hötzer, A Dennstedt, B Nestler
Computational Materials Science 121, 6-13, 2016
Influence of growth velocity variations on the pattern formation during the directional solidification of ternary eutectic Al-Ag-Cu
J Hötzer, P Steinmetz, A Dennstedt, A Genau, M Kellner, I Sargin, ...
Acta Materialia 136, 335-346, 2017
Phase-field simulation of the microstructure evolution in the eutectic NiAl-34Cr system
M Kellner, I Sprenger, P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, B Nestler, M Heilmaier
Computational Materials Science 128, 379-387, 2017
Crystal orientation relationships in ternary eutectic Al-Al2Cu-Ag2Al
P Steinmetz, A Dennstedt, M Şerefoğlu, I Sargin, A Genau, U Hecht
Acta Materialia 157, 96-105, 2018
Applications of the Phase-Field Method for the Solidification of Microstructures in Multi-Component Systems
H Johannes, K Michael, S Philipp, N Britta
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 96 (3), 235-256, 2016
Phase-field study on the effects of process and material parameters on the tilt angle during directional solidification of ternary eutectics
KD Noubary, M Kellner, P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, B Nestler
Computational Materials Science 138, 403-411, 2017
Study of pattern selection in 3D phase-field simulations during the directional solidification of ternary eutectic Al-Ag-Cu
P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, M Kellner, A Genau, B Nestler
Computational Materials Science 148, 131-140, 2018
3D synchrotron imaging of a directionally solidified ternary eutectic
A Dennstedt, L Helfen, P Steinmetz, B Nestler, L Ratke
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 (3), 981-984, 2016
Phase-field study of dynamic velocity variations during directional solidification of eutectic NiAl-34Cr
M Kellner, W Kunz, P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, B Nestler
Computational Materials Science 145, 291-305, 2018
Quantitative Comparison of Ternary Eutectic Phase-Field Simulations with Analytical 3D Jackson–Hunt Approaches
P Steinmetz, M Kellner, J Hötzer, B Nestler
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 49 (1), 213-224, 2018
Multi-objective optimization of energy-efficient production schedules using genetic algorithms
T Küster, P Rayling, R Wiersig, FD Pozo Pardo
Optimization and Engineering, 1-22, 2021
Graph-based investigation of three-dimensional microstructure rearrangement during ternary eutectic directional solidification of Al-Ag-Cu
P Steinmetz, J Hötzer, A Dennstedt, C Serr, B Nestler, A Genau
Journal of Crystal Growth 498, 230-243, 2018
Post-solidification effects in directionally solidified ternary eutectic Al-Ag2Al-Al2Cu
P Steinmetz, S Gadkari, A Genau
Journal of Crystal Growth 507, 425-436, 2019
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