Prof. Martin Lanzendorf
Prof. Martin Lanzendorf
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Mobility biographies: A new perspective for understanding travel behaviour
M Lanzendorf
Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour …, 2003
Mobility biographies: A review of achievements and challenges of the mobility biographies approach and a framework for further research
H Müggenburg, A Busch-Geertsema, M Lanzendorf
Journal of Transport Geography 46, 151-163, 2015
Environmental impact assessment of urban land use transitions—A context-sensitive approach
H Nuissl, D Haase, M Lanzendorf, H Wittmer
Land use policy 26 (2), 414-424, 2009
Key events and their effect on mobility biographies: The case of childbirth
M Lanzendorf
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 4 (5), 272-292, 2010
Dimensions of urban mobility cultures–a comparison of German cities
T Klinger, JR Kenworthy, M Lanzendorf
Journal of Transport Geography 31, 18-29, 2013
Impact of life-course events on car ownership
J Prillwitz, S Harms, M Lanzendorf
Transportation Research Record 1985 (1), 71-77, 2006
Division of labour and gender differences in metropolitan car use: An empirical study in Cologne, Germany
H Best, M Lanzendorf
Journal of Transport Geography 13 (2), 109-121, 2005
Mobility styles and travel behavior: Application of a lifestyle approach to leisure travel
M Lanzendorf
Transportation Research Record 1807 (1), 163-173, 2002
Moving between mobility cultures: what affects the travel behavior of new residents?
T Klinger, M Lanzendorf
Transportation 43, 243-271, 2016
Mobility and accessibility effects of B2C e‐commerce: a literature review
EJ Visser, M Lanzendorf
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 95 (2), 189-205, 2004
The cycling boom in large German cities—Empirical evidence for successful cycling campaigns
M Lanzendorf, A Busch-Geertsema
Transport policy 36, 26-33, 2014
Interactions between residential relocations, life course events, and daily commute distances
J Prillwitz, S Harms, M Lanzendorf
Transportation Research Record 2021 (1), 64-69, 2007
Geografische Mobilitaets-und Verkehrsforschung
M Gather, A Kagermeier, M Lanzendorf
Second homes in Germany and the Netherlands: Ownership and travel impact explained
M Dijst, M Lanzendorf, A Barendregt, L Smit
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 96 (2), 139-152, 2005
Analysing mobility biographies with the life course calendar: a retrospective survey methodology for longitudinal data collection
R Schoenduwe, MG Mueller, A Peters, M Lanzendorf
Journal of Transport Geography 42, 98-109, 2015
Freizeitmobilität: unterwegs in Sachen sozial-ökologischer Mobilitätsforschung
M Lanzendorf
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie, 2012
Exploring the use of e-shopping and its impact on personal travel behavior in the Netherlands
S Farag, M Dijst, M Lanzendorf
Transportation Research Record 1858 (1), 47-54, 2003
Parking management for promoting sustainable transport in urban neighbourhoods. A review of existing policies and challenges from a German perspective
F Kirschner, M Lanzendorf
Transport Reviews 40 (1), 54-75, 2020
From university to work life–Jumping behind the wheel? Explaining mode change of students making the transition to professional life
A Busch-Geertsema, M Lanzendorf
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 106, 181-196, 2017
Mobilitätsforschung in nachfrageorientierter Perspektive
S Harms, M Lanzendorf, J Prillwitz
Handbuch Verkehrspolitik, 735-758, 2007
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