Jan Neggers
Jan Neggers
LMPS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
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Pantographic metamaterials: an example of mathematically driven design and of its technological challenges
F Dell’Isola, P Seppecher, JJ Alibert, T Lekszycki, R Grygoruk, ...
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31, 851-884, 2019
Digital volume correlation: review of progress and challenges
A Buljac, C Jailin, A Mendoza, J Neggers, T Taillandier-Thomas, A Bouterf, ...
Experimental Mechanics 58, 661-708, 2018
Toward 4D mechanical correlation
F Hild, A Bouterf, L Chamoin, H Leclerc, F Mathieu, J Neggers, F Pled, ...
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 3, 1-26, 2016
Correli 3.0
H Leclerc, J Neggers, F Mathieu, F Hild, S Roux
Iddn. fr 1 (000), 2015
On image gradients in digital image correlation
J Neggers, B Blaysat, JPM Hoefnagels, MGD Geers
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 105 (4), 243-260, 2016
Age-dependent changes of stress and strain in the human heart valve and their relation with collagen remodeling
PJA Oomen, S Loerakker, D van Geemen, J Neggers, MJTH Goumans, ...
Acta biomaterialia 29, 161-169, 2016
Time‐resolved integrated digital image correlation
J Neggers, JPM Hoefnagels, MGD Geers, F Hild, S Roux
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103 (3), 157-182, 2015
Direct stress-strain measurements from bulged membranes using topography image correlation
J Neggers, JPM Hoefnagels, F Hild, S Roux, MGD Geers
Experimental Mechanics 54, 717-727, 2014
Big data in experimental mechanics and model order reduction: today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities
J Neggers, O Allix, F Hild, S Roux
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 25, 143-164, 2018
Copper–rubber interface delamination in stretchable electronics
JPM Hoefnagels, J Neggers, PHM Timmermans, O van Der Sluis, ...
Scripta Materialia 63 (8), 875-878, 2010
Numerical validation framework for micromechanical simulations based on synchrotron 3D imaging
A Buljac, M Shakoor, J Neggers, M Bernacki, PO Bouchard, L Helfen, ...
Computational Mechanics 59, 419-441, 2017
On the choice of boundary conditions for micromechanical simulations based on 3D imaging
M Shakoor, A Buljac, J Neggers, F Hild, TF Morgeneyer, L Helfen, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 112, 83-96, 2017
Complete mechanical regularization applied to digital image and volume correlation
A Mendoza, J Neggers, F Hild, S Roux
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 355, 27-43, 2019
Analysis of wedge splitting test on refractory castable via integrated DIC
R Vargas, J Neggers, RB Canto, JA Rodrigues, F Hild
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (16), 4309-4317, 2016
Quantification of three-dimensional surface deformation using global digital image correlation
J van Beeck, J Neggers, PJG Schreurs, JPM Hoefnagels, MGD Geers
Experimental Mechanics 54, 557-570, 2014
A global digital image correlation enhanced full-field bulge test method
J Neggers, JPM Hoefnagels, F Hild, S Roux, MGD Geers
Procedia IUTAM 4, 73-81, 2012
On the calibration of elastoplastic parameters at the microscale via X-ray microtomography and digital volume correlation for the simulation of ductile damage
A Buljac, VMT Navas, M Shakoor, A Bouterf, J Neggers, M Bernacki, ...
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 72, 287-297, 2018
Improving full-field identification using progressive model enrichments
J Neggers, F Mathieu, F Hild, S Roux, N Swiergiel
International Journal of Solids and Structures 118, 213-223, 2017
On the validity regime of the bulge equations
J Neggers, JPM Hoefnagels, MGD Geers
Journal of materials research 27 (9), 1245-1250, 2012
Towards criteria characterizing the metrological performance of full-field measurement techniques: application to the comparison between local and global versions of DIC
B Blaysat, J Neggers, M Grediac, F Sur
Experimental Mechanics 60, 393-407, 2020
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Articles 1–20