Xubin Zeng
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Technical description of version 4.0 of the Community Land Model (CLM)
KW Oleson, DM Lawrence, GB Bonan, B Drewniak, M Huang, CD Koven, ...
NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-478+ STR 257, 1-257, 2010
Parameterization improvements and functional and structural advances in version 4 of the Community Land Model
DM Lawrence, KW Oleson, MG Flanner, PE Thornton, SC Swenson, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 3 (1), 2011
The common land model
Y Dai, X Zeng, RE Dickinson, I Baker, GB Bonan, MG Bosilovich, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84 (8), 1013-1024, 2003
The Community Land Model version 5: Description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty
DM Lawrence, RA Fisher, CD Koven, KW Oleson, SC Swenson, G Bonan, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (12), 4245-4287, 2019
Intercomparison of bulk aerodynamic algorithms for the computation of sea surface fluxes using TOGA COARE and TAO data
X Zeng, M Zhao, RE Dickinson
Journal of Climate 11 (10), 2628-2644, 1998
Technical description of the community land model (CLM)
K Oleson, Y Dai, B Bonan, M Bosilovichm, R Dickinson, P Dirmeyer, ...
Interactions between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems: influence on weather and climate
RA Pielke, RI Avissar, M Raupach, AJ Dolman, X Zeng, AS Denning
Global change biology 4 (5), 461-475, 1998
The land surface climatology of the Community Land Model coupled to the NCAR Community Climate Model
GB Bonan, KW Oleson, M Vertenstein, S Levis, X Zeng, Y Dai, ...
Journal of climate 15 (22), 3123-3149, 2002
COSMOS: The cosmic-ray soil moisture observing system
M Zreda, WJ Shuttleworth, X Zeng, C Zweck, D Desilets, T Franz, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4079-4099, 2012
The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Overview and evaluation at standard resolution
JC Golaz, PM Caldwell, LP Van Roekel, MR Petersen, Q Tang, JD Wolfe, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (7), 2089-2129, 2019
Thriving on our changing planet: A decadal strategy for Earth observation from space
National Academies of Sciences, Division on Engineering, ...
National Academies Press, 2019
Improving the representation of hydrologic processes in Earth System Models
MP Clark, Y Fan, DM Lawrence, JC Adam, D Bolster, DJ Gochis, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (8), 5929-5956, 2015
The Community Land Model and its climate statistics as a component of the Community Climate System Model
RE Dickinson, KW Oleson, G Bonan, F Hoffman, P Thornton, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (11), 2302-2324, 2006
Derivation and evaluation of global 1-km fractional vegetation cover data for land modeling
X Zeng, RE Dickinson, A Walker, M Shaikh, RS DeFries, J Qi
Journal of Applied Meteorology 39 (6), 826-839, 2000
Evaluation of the reanalysis products from GSFC, NCEP, and ECMWF using flux tower observations
M Decker, MA Brunke, Z Wang, K Sakaguchi, X Zeng, MG Bosilovich
Journal of Climate 25 (6), 1916-1944, 2012
Evaluation of multireanalysis products with in situ observations over the Tibetan Plateau
A Wang, X Zeng
Journal of geophysical research: Atmospheres 117 (D5), 2012
Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling
Y Fan, M Clark, DM Lawrence, S Swenson, LE Band, SL Brantley, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (2), 1737-1772, 2019
A global land cover climatology using MODIS data
PD Broxton, X Zeng, D Sulla-Menashe, PA Troch
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53 (6), 1593-1605, 2014
Coupling of the common land model to the NCAR community climate model
X Zeng, M Shaikh, Y Dai, RE Dickinson, R Myneni
Journal of Climate 15 (14), 1832-1854, 2002
A prognostic scheme of sea surface skin temperature for modeling and data assimilation
X Zeng, A Beljaars
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (14), 2005
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