Pieter Tielens
Pieter Tielens
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The relevance of inertia in power systems
P Tielens, D Van Hertem
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 55, 999-1009, 2016
Grid inertia and frequency control in power systems with high penetration of renewables
P Tielens, D Van Hertem
Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering 93 (101), 1-6, 2012
Overview of grounding and configuration options for meshed HVDC grids
W Leterme, P Tielens, S De Boeck, D Van Hertem
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (6), 2467-2475, 2014
Configurations and earthing of HVDC grids
S De Boeck, P Tielens, W Leterme, D Van Hertem
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013
Operation and control of power systems with low synchronous inertia
P Tielens
KU Leuven, 2017
Trading energy yield for frequency regulation: Optimal control of kinetic energy in wind farms
S De Rijcke, P Tielens, B Rawn, D Van Hertem, J Driesen
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (5), 2469-2478, 2014
Frequency support by wind power plants in isolated grids with varying generation mix
P Tielens, S De Rijcke, K Srivastava, M Reza, A Marinopoulos, J Driesen
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Impact of DC grid contingencies on AC system stability
M Abedrabbo, M Wang, P Tielens, FZ Dejene, W Leterme, J Beerten, ...
13th IET international conference on AC and DC power transmission (ACDC 2017 …, 2017
Penetration of renewables and reduction of synchronous inertia in the European power system-Analysis and solutions
P Tielens, P Henneaux, S Cole
Receding horizon control of wind power to provide frequency regulation
P Tielens, D Van Hertem
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (4), 2663-2672, 2016
Improved frequency control from wind power plants considering wind speed variation
JN Sakamuri, K Das, M Altin, NA Cutululis, AD Hansen, P Tielens, ...
2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2016
Influence of system wide implementation of virtual inertia on small-signal stability
P Tielens, D Van Hertem
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
Impact of high penetration of inverter-based generation on system inertia of networks
M Rampokanyo, P Dattaray, P Kamera, J Beerten, I Aronovich, ...
Electra, 2021
Development of an open-source smart energy house for K-12 education
F Geth, J Verveckken, N Leemput, J Van Roy, J Beerten, P Tielens, ...
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013
Analysis and coordination of delivering inertial response by wind power plants
D Deroost, P Tielens, D Van Hertem, K Srivastava, G Velotto
Proc. 14th Int. Workshop Large-Scale Integr. of Wind Power Power Syst. as …, 2015
Developing engineering-oriented educational workshops within a student branch
J Verveckken, F Geth, B Hunyadi, J Beerten, N Leemput, J Van Roy, ...
Eurocon 2013, 933-940, 2013
Damping controller design of TCSC based on wide-area monitoring and supplement torque components
NT Anh, D Van Hertem, P Tielens, J Driesen
2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON), 401-407, 2012
Techno-economic analysis of large-scale integration of solar power plants in the European grid
P Tielens, H Ergun, D Hertem
AC/DC hybrid grid modelling enabling a high share of renewables
O Antoine, L Papangelis, P Tielens, K Karoui, H Ergun, G Bastianel, ...
European Commission, 2023
AC/DC hybrid grid modelling enabling a high share of renewables: the Celtic interconnector use case
G Bastianel, H Ergun, O Antoine, P Tielens, L Papangelis, A Agbemuko, ...
IET Digital Library, 2023
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