Matthew M. Graham
Matthew M. Graham
Research data scientist, University College London
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Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
R Al-Rfou, G Alain, A Almahairi, C Angermueller, D Bahdanau, N Ballas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.02688, 2016
Pseudo-marginal slice sampling
I Murray, MM Graham
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2016
Asymptotically exact inference in differentiable generative models
M Graham, A Storkey
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 499-508, 2017
Asymptotically exact inference in differentiable generative models
MM Graham, AJ Storkey
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11 (2), 5105-5164, 2017
Continuously tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
MM Graham, AJ Storkey
Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference in diffusion models
M Graham, A Thiery, A Beskos
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 2022
Measure transport with kernel Stein discrepancy
MA Fisher, T Nolan, M Graham, D Prangle, C Oates
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1054-1062, 2021
Testing whether a learning procedure is calibrated
J Cockayne, MM Graham, CJ Oates, TJ Sullivan, O Teymur
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (203), 1-36, 2022
Manifold lifting: scaling Markov chain Monte Carlo to the vanishing noise regime
KX Au, MM Graham, AH Thiery
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2023
Estimating the health burden of road traffic injuries in Malawi using an individual-based model
R Manning Smith, V Cambiano, T Colbourn, JH Collins, M Graham, ...
Injury epidemiology 9 (1), 21, 2022
Parameter estimation with increased precision for elliptic and hypo-elliptic diffusions
Y Iguchi, A Beskos, MM Graham
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.16384, 2022
A scalable optimal-transport based local particle filter
MM Graham, AH Thiery
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00507, 2019
Auxiliary variable Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
MMK Graham
The University of Edinburgh, 2018
A Healthcare Service Delivery and Epidemiological Model for Investigating Resource Allocation for Health: The Thanzi La Onse Model
TB Hallett, TD Mangal, AU Tamuri, N Arinaminpathy, V Cambiano, ...
medRxiv, 2024.01. 04.24300834, 2024
The Effects of Health System Frailties on the Projected Impact of the HIV and TB Programmes in Malawi
TD Mangal, S Mohan, T Colbourn, JH Collins, MM Graham, A Jahn, ...
Factors Associated with Consumable Stock-Outs in Malawi: Evidence from a Facility Census
S Mohan, TD Mangal, G Kadewere, C Chimwaza, T Colbourn, JH Collins, ...
Parameter inference for degenerate diffusion processes
Y Iguchi, A Beskos, MM Graham
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 174, 104384, 2024
Health workforce needs in Malawi: analysis of the Thanzi La Onse integrated epidemiological model of care
B She, TD Mangal, ML Prust, S Heung, M Chalkley, T Colbourn, ...
Estimating the impact of maternity service delivery on health in Malawi: An individual-based modelling study
J Collins, H Allott, W Ng'ambi, IL Lin, M Giordano, M Graham, ...
Numerical Schemes for Effective Calibration of Elliptic and Hypo-elliptic Diffusions
Y Iguchi, A Beskos, MM Graham
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.16384, 2022
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