Björn Hoffmann
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Zitiert von
Vertically oriented growth of GaN nanorods on Si using graphene as an atomically thin buffer layer
M Heilmann, AM Munshi, G Sarau, M Göbelt, C Tessarek, VT Fauske, ...
Nano letters 16 (6), 3524-3532, 2016
Encapsulation of silver nanowire networks by atomic layer deposition for indium-free transparent electrodes
M Goebelt, R Keding, SW Schmitt, B Hoffmann, S Jaeckle, M Latzel, ...
Nano Energy 16, 196-206, 2015
Nanowire arrays in multicrystalline silicon thin films on glass: a promising material for research and applications in nanotechnology
SW Schmitt, F Schechtel, D Amkreutz, M Bashouti, SK Srivastava, ...
Nano letters 12 (8), 4050-4054, 2012
Inorganic photovoltaics–planar and nanostructured devices
J Ramanujam, A Verma, B González-Díaz, R Guerrero-Lemus, ...
Progress in Materials Science 82, 294-404, 2016
The formation of calcified nanospherites during micropetrosis represents a unique mineralization mechanism in aged human bone
P Milovanovic, EA Zimmermann, A Vom Scheidt, B Hoffmann, G Sarau, ...
Small 13 (3), 1602215, 2017
Sensing Nanoparticles with a Cantilever-Based Scannable Optical Cavity of Low Finesse and Sub- Volume
H Kelkar, D Wang, D Martin-Cano, B Hoffmann, S Christiansen, ...
Physical Review Applied 4 (5), 054010, 2015
Improving the optical properties of self-catalyzed GaN microrods toward whispering gallery mode lasing
C Tessarek, R Röder, T Michalsky, S Geburt, H Franke, ...
ACS Photonics 1 (10), 990-997, 2014
Glow discharge techniques in the chemical analysis of photovoltaic materials
SW Schmitt, C Venzago, B Hoffmann, V Sivakov, T Hofmann, J Michler, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 22 (3), 371-382, 2014
New insights into colloidal gold flakes: structural investigation, micro-ellipsometry and patterning procedure towards ultrathin monocrystalline layers
B Hoffmann, MY Bashouti, T Feichtner, M Mačković, C Dieker, ...
Nanoscale 8, 4529-4536, 2015
Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanocone antennas for strong spontaneous emission enhancement
B Hoffmann, S Vassant, XW Chen, S Götzinger, V Sandoghdar, ...
Nanotechnology 26 (40), 404001, 2015
Wet-Chemically Etched Silicon Nanowire Architectures: Formation and Properties
V Sivakov, F Voigt, B Hoffmann, V Gerliz, S Christiansen
Nanowires-Fundamental Research. Intech, 45-80, 2011
Self-Catalyzed Growth of Vertically Aligned InN Nanorods by Metal–Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
C Tessarek, S Fladischer, C Dieker, G Sarau, B Hoffmann, M Bashouti, ...
Nano Letters 16 (6), 3415-3425, 2016
Photoluminescence of samples produced by electroless wet chemical etching: between silicon nanowires and porous structures
F Voigt, V Sivakov, V Gerliz, GH Bauer, B Hoffmann, GZ Radnoczi, B Pecz, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (4), 893-899, 2011
Accurate tuning of ordered nanotubular platinum electrodes by galvanic plating
V Roscher, M Licklederer, J Schumacher, GR Rios, B Hoffmann, ...
Dalton Transactions 43 (11), 4345-4350, 2014
Wet–Chemically Etched Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells: Fabrication and Advanced Characterization
B Hoffmann, V Sivakov, SW Schmitt, MY Bashouti, M Latzel, J Dluhoš, ...
Nanowires - Recent Advances, 2012
A Sub--Volume Cantilever-based Fabry-P\'erot Cavity
H Kelkar, D Wang, D Martín-Cano, B Hoffmann, S Christiansen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02736, 2015
Structural, optical, and electrical properties of silicon nanowires for solar cells
T Stelzner, VA Sivakov, A Berger, B Hoffmann, S De Wolf, C Ballif, ...
2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC), 275-276, 2010
Gold platelets for high-quality plasmonics
B Hoffmann, T Feichtner, S Christiansen
Materials Today, 2016
Nanowire device concepts for thin film photovoltaics
S Christiansen, S Schmitt, G Brönstrup, M Latzel, M Bashouti, M Kiometzis, ...
Optics for Solar Energy, SW2A. 2, 2012
A Universal Scanning Electron Microscope: Precise Nanofabrication for Plasmonics and Correlative Analysis for Materials Science
B Hoffmann
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2017
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