Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar
Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar
Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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The “what”,“why” and “how” of spirituality in the workplace
S Krishnakumar, CP Neck
Journal of managerial psychology 17 (3), 153-164, 2002
The what, why, and how of spirituality in the workplace revisited: A 14-year update and extension
JD Houghton, CP Neck, S Krishnakumar
Journal of management, spirituality & religion 13 (3), 177-205, 2016
The “good” and the “bad” of spiritual leadership
S Krishnakumar, JD Houghton, CP Neck, CN Ellison
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 12 (1), 17-37, 2015
Maintaining an even keel: An affect-mediated model of mindfulness and hostile work behavior.
S Krishnakumar, MD Robinson
Emotion 15 (5), 579, 2015
Uncomfortable ethical decisions: The role of negative emotions and emotional intelligence in ethical decision-making
S Krishnakumar, D Rymph
Journal of Managerial Issues, 321-344, 2012
Assessing workplace emotional intelligence: Development and validation of an ability-based measure
S Krishnakumar, K Hopkins, J G. Szmerekovsky, MD Robinson
The Journal of psychology 150 (3), 371-404, 2016
The salesperson’s ability to bounce back: Examining the moderating role of resiliency on forms of intrarole job conflict and job attitudes, behaviors and performance
MT Krush, RAJ Agnihotri, KJ Trainor, S Krishnakumar
Marketing Management Journal 23 (1), 42-56, 2013
Affective and effective: Military job performance as a function of work‐related emotional intelligence
S Krishnakumar, B Perera, MR Persich, MD Robinson
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2019
Deviant Workplace Behavior as Emotional Action: Discriminant and Interactive Roles for Work-Related Emotional Intelligence
M Robinson, Michael D., Persich, C Stawicki, S Krishnakumar
Human Performance, 2019
Emotional Intelligence, Impulse Buying and Self-Esteem: The Predictive Validity of Two Ability Measures of Emotional Intelligence.
P Peter, S Krishnakumar
Advances in consumer research 37, 2010
Elucidating the emotional and relational aspects of gift giving
R Ganesh Pillai, S Krishnakumar
Journal of Business Research 101, 194-202, 2019
Losing one’s cool: Social competence as a novel inverse predictor of provocation-related aggression
MD Robinson, AK Fetterman, K Hopkins, S Krishnakumar
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (10), 1268-1279, 2013
On being nice and effective: Work-related emotional intelligence and its role in conflict resolution and interpersonal problem-solving.
S Krishnakumar, B Perera, K Hopkins, MD Robinson
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2019
When feeling poorly at work does not mean acting poorly at work: The moderating role of work-related emotional intelligence
S Krishnakumar, K Hopkins, MD Robinson
Motivation and Emotion 41, 122-134, 2017
The role of emotion perception ability in motivation to lead
S Krishnakumar, K Hopkins
Management Research Review 37 (4), 334-347, 2014
Working with emotions: emotional intelligence, performance and creativity in the knowledge-intensive workforce
C Stawicki, S Krishnakumar, MD Robinson
Journal of Knowledge Management 27 (2), 285-301, 2023
Satisfied and productive boundary spanners: A model of resiliency and customer expectations
R Agnihotri, KJ Trainor, MT Krush, S Krishnakumar
Journal of Services Research 14 (2), 57, 2014
Are you a good friend? Assessing social relationship competence using situational judgments
MR Persich, S Krishnakumar, MD Robinson
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2020
Discrete emotions, moral intensity, & emotion appraisals in ethics: An extension of Rest's ethical decision-making model
S Krishnakumar, D Rymph
Journal of Global Business Issues 5 (1), 51, 2011
The role of emotional intelligence and job emotional requirements in job attitudes and behavior
S Krishnakumar
Virginia Tech, 2008
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