Andrew G Manning
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Wheeler's delayed-choice gedanken experiment with a single atom
AG Manning, RI Khakimov, RG Dall, AG Truscott
Nature Physics 11 (7), 539-542, 2015
Direct measurement of long-range third-order coherence in Bose-Einstein condensates
SS Hodgman, RG Dall, AG Manning, KGH Baldwin, AG Truscott
Science 331 (6020), 1046-1049, 2011
Ideal n-body correlations with massive particles
RG Dall, AG Manning, SS Hodgman, W RuGway, KV Kheruntsyan, ...
Nature Physics 9 (6), 341-344, 2013
Observation of atomic speckle and Hanbury Brown–Twiss correlations in guided matter waves
RG Dall, SS Hodgman, AG Manning, MT Johnsson, KGH Baldwin, ...
Nature Communications 2 (1), 291, 2011
The Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect in a pulsed atom laser
AG Manning, SS Hodgman, RG Dall, MT Johnsson, AG Truscott
Optics Express 18 (18), 18712-18719, 2010
Observation of Transverse Bose-Einstein Condensation via Hanbury Brown–Twiss Correlations
W RuGway, AG Manning, SS Hodgman, RG Dall, AG Truscott, ...
Physical review letters 111 (9), 093601, 2013
Single-atom source in the picokelvin regime
AG Manning, R Khakimov, RG Dall, AG Truscott
Physical Review Letters 113 (13), 130403, 2014
Third-order spatial correlations for ultracold atoms
AG Manning, W RuGway, SS Hodgman, RG Dall, KGH Baldwin, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (1), 013042, 2013
Observation of the first excited transverse mode in guided matter waves
RG Dall, SS Hodgman, AG Manning, AG Truscott
Optics letters 36 (7), 1131-1133, 2011
Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization: Spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb3Fe5O12
Y Kawamoto, T Kikkawa, M Kawamata, Y Umemoto, AG Manning, ...
Applied Physics Letters 124 (13), 2024
Foundation experiments in quantum atom optics with ultracold metastable helium
AG Manning
PQDT-Global, 2014
Identifying the Spin-Incoherent Contribution to Quasielastic Neutron Scattering with a Cold Triple-Axis Spectrometer
AG Manning, S Yano, S Kim, WB Lee, SH Choi, NR de Souza
Quantum Beam Science 7 (4), 35, 2023
A fast-cooling sample-positioning probe for low-temperature neutron scattering experiments
A Manning, M Avdeev, P Imperia
Journal of Applied Crystallography 53 (1), 297-301, 2020
Spin reorientation and interplanar interactions of the two-dimensional triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnets and
S Yano, J Yang, K Iida, CW Wang, AG Manning, D Ueta, S Itoh
Physical Review B 110 (13), 134444, 2024
Recent neutron polarisaton analysis experiments at ACNS
KC Rule, N De Souza, DL Cortie, A Manning, S Yano
Neutron polarisation at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering
AG Manning
Polarised neutron scattering experiments at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering
AG Manning
Australian Institute of Physics, 2022
The updates from the cold neutron axis spectrometer SIKA
SY Yano, CM Wu, JC Peng, G Deng, K Rule, A Manning, N De Souza
Neutron polarisation capabilities at ACNS
A Manning
The recent progress of polarized neutron scattering techniques at SIKA
SC Yano, GH Deng, KC Rule, NR de Souza, AG Manning, H Peng, ...
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 2021
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