Alexander Norta (nee Hirnschall)
Alexander Norta (nee Hirnschall)
Researcher, Tallinn University
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An alternative way to analyze workflow graphs
WMP van der Aalst, A Hirnschall, HMW Verbeek
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 14th International Conference …, 2002
Creation of smart-contracting collaborations for decentralized autonomous organizations
A Norta
Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 14th International Conference …, 2015
Designing a smart-contract application layer for transacting decentralized autonomous organizations
A Norta
Advances in Computing and Data Sciences: First International Conference …, 2017
Dynamic business process formation for instant virtual enterprises
N Mehandjiev, P Grefen
Springer, 2010
A reference architecture for managing dynamic inter-organizational business processes
A Norta, P Grefen, NC Narendra
Data & Knowledge Engineering 91, 52-89, 2014
Smart-contract value-transfer protocols on a distributed mobile application platform
P Dai, N Mahi, J Earls, A Norta
URL: https://qtum. org/uploads/files/cf6d69348ca50dd985b60425ccf282f3. pdf 10, 2017
A framework for the adoption of blockchain-based e-procurement systems in the public sector: A case study of Nigeria
TI Akaba, A Norta, C Udokwu, D Draheim
Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication …, 2020
The state of the art for blockchain-enabled smart-contract applications in the organization
C Udokwu, A Kormiltsyn, K Thangalimodzi, A Norta
2018 Ivannikov Ispras Open Conference (ISPRAS), 137-144, 2018
Legally enforceable smart-contract languages: A systematic literature review
V Dwivedi, V Pattanaik, V Deval, A Dixit, A Norta, D Draheim
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (5), 1-34, 2021
Increasing citizen participation in e-participatory budgeting processes
AR Mærøe, A Norta, V Tsap, I Pappel
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 18 (2), 125-147, 2021
Conflict-resolution lifecycles for governed decentralized autonomous organization collaboration
A Norta, AB Othman, K Taveter
Proceedings of the 2015 2nd International Conference on Electronic …, 2015
A formal specification smart-contract language for legally binding decentralized autonomous organizations
V Dwivedi, A Norta, A Wulf, B Leiding, S Saxena, C Udokwu
IEEE access 9, 76069-76082, 2021
eContractual choreography-language properties towards cross-organizational business collaboration
A Norta, L Ma, Y Duan, A Rull, M Kõlvart, K Taveter
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 6, 1-23, 2015
Specification and verification of harmonized business-process collaborations
A Norta, R Eshuis
Information Systems Frontiers 12, 457-479, 2010
XRL/Flower: Supporting inter-organizational workflows using XML/Petri-net technology
HMW Verbeek, A Hirnschall, WMP van der Aalst
Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web: CAiSE 2002 International …, 2002
Integration of blockchain technology into a land registration system for immutable traceability: a casestudy of Georgia
N Lazuashvili, A Norta, D Draheim
Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum …, 2019
Service outsourcing with process views
R Eshuis, A Norta, O Kopp, E Pitkänen
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 8 (1), 136-154, 2013
Towards user-centered and legally relevant smart-contract development: A systematic literature review
A Dixit, V Deval, V Dwivedi, A Norta, D Draheim
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 26, 100314, 2022
Lowering Financial Inclusion Barriers with a Blockchain-Based Capital Transfer System
A Norta, B Leiding, A Lane
IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2019
A framework for the adoption of blockchain technology in healthcare information management systems: A case study of Nigeria
I Azogu, A Norta, I Papper, J Longo, D Draheim
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …, 2019
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Articles 1–20