Marcus Liebmann
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Intrinsic and extrinsic corrugation of monolayer graphene deposited on
V Geringer, M Liebmann, T Echtermeyer, S Runte, M Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 102 (7), 076102, 2009
Three-dimensional imaging of short-range chemical forces with picometre resolution
BJ Albers, TC Schwendemann, MZ Baykara, N Pilet, M Liebmann, ...
Nature nanotechnology 4 (5), 307-310, 2009
Giant Rashba-type spin splitting in ferroelectric GeTe (111)
M Liebmann, C Rinaldi, D Di Sante, J Kellner, C Pauly, RN Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (3), 560-565, 2016
Wave-function mapping of graphene quantum dots with soft confinement
D Subramaniam, F Libisch, Y Li, C Pauly, V Geringer, R Reiter, T Mashoff, ...
Physical review letters 108 (4), 046801, 2012
Subnanometre-wide electron channels protected by topology
C Pauly, B Rasche, K Koepernik, M Liebmann, M Pratzer, M Richter, ...
Nature Physics 11 (4), 338-343, 2015
Bistability and oscillatory motion of natural nanomembranes appearing within monolayer graphene on silicon dioxide
T Mashoff, M Pratzer, V Geringer, TJ Echtermeyer, MC Lemme, ...
Nano letters 10 (2), 461-465, 2010
Tuning the pseudospin polarization of graphene by a pseudomagnetic field
A Georgi, P Nemes-Incze, R Carrillo-Bastos, D Faria, S Viola Kusminskiy, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2240-2245, 2017
Mn‐Rich MnSb2Te4: A Topological Insulator with Magnetic Gap Closing at High Curie Temperatures of 45–50 K
S Wimmer, J Sánchez‐Barriga, P Küppers, A Ney, E Schierle, F Freyse, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (42), 2102935, 2021
Probing two topological surface bands of SbTe by spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy
C Pauly, G Bihlmayer, M Liebmann, M Grob, A Georgi, D Subramaniam, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (23), 235106, 2012
Networks of ABA and ABC stacked graphene on mica observed by scanning tunneling microscopy
S Hattendorf, A Georgi, M Liebmann, M Morgenstern
Surface Science 610, 53-58, 2013
Combined low-temperature scanning tunneling/atomic force microscope for atomic resolution imaging and site-specific force spectroscopy
BJ Albers, M Liebmann, TC Schwendemann, MZ Baykara, M Heyde, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (3), 2008
Probing variations of the Rashba spin–orbit coupling at the nanometre scale
JR Bindel, M Pezzotta, J Ulrich, M Liebmann, EY Sherman, ...
Nature Physics 12 (10), 920-925, 2016
Visualization of the Barkhausen effect by magnetic force microscopy
A Schwarz, M Liebmann, U Kaiser, R Wiesendanger, TW Noh, DW Kim
Physical review letters 92 (7), 077206, 2004
Design and performance of a versatile, cost-effective microwave electron cyclotron resonance plasma source for surface and thin film processing
R Anton, T Wiegner, W Naumann, M Liebmann, C Klein, C Bradley
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (2), 1177-1180, 2000
A low-temperature ultrahigh vacuum scanning force microscope with a split-coil magnet
M Liebmann, A Schwarz, SM Langkat, R Wiesendanger
Review of scientific instruments 73 (10), 3508-3514, 2002
Tuning the Dirac point to the Fermi level in the ternary topological insulator (Bi1− xSbx) 2Te3
J Kellner, M Eschbach, J Kampmeier, M Lanius, E Młyńczak, G Mussler, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 2015
Spin mapping of surface and bulk Rashba states in ferroelectric -GeTe(111) films
HJ Elmers, R Wallauer, M Liebmann, J Kellner, M Morgenstern, RN Wang, ...
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201403, 2016
Electrical transport and low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy of microsoldered graphene
V Geringer, D Subramaniam, AK Michel, B Szafranek, D Schall, A Georgi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (8), 2010
Absence of edge states in covalently bonded zigzag edges of graphene on Ir (111).
Y Li, D Subramaniam, N Atodiresei, P Lazić, V Caciuc, C Pauly, A Georgi, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 25 (14), 1967-1972, 2013
Manipulating InAs nanowires with submicrometer precision
K Flöhr, M Liebmann, K Sladek, HY Günel, R Frielinghaus, F Haas, ...
Review of scientific instruments 82 (11), 2011
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