Gernot Heisenberg
Gernot Heisenberg
Technische Hochschule Köln
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Real-time simulation of elastic objects in virtual environments using finite element method and precomputed Green's functions
I Nikitin, L Nikitina, P Frolov, G Goebbels, M Göbel, S Klimenko, ...
Исследовано в России 6, 277-282, 2003
Design and evaluation of team work in distributed collaborative virtual environments
G Goebbels, V Lalioti, M Göbel
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2003
Sceptre: an infrared laser tracking system for virtual environments
C Wienss, I Nikitin, G Goebbels, K Troche, M Göbel, L Nikitina, S Müller
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2006
Co-presence and co-working in distributed collaborative virtual environments
G Goebbels, V Lalioti
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Computer graphics …, 2001
An investigation of biases in web search engine query suggestions
M Bonart, A Samokhina, G Heisenberg, P Schaer
Online Information Review 44 (2), 365-381, 2020
User interface design for disabled people under the influence of time, efficiency and costs
YA Rezaei, G Heisenberg, W Heiden
HCI International 2014-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2014
Realtime dynamics simulation of cables, hoses and wiring harnesses for high accuracy digital mockups and load analysis
G Goebbels, M Göbel, T Hambürger, N Hornung, U Klein, I Nikitin, ...
computer science 20 (21), 1-9, 2007
flexengine: Highly accurate real-time simulation system for cables, hoses and wiring harnesses with contacts
G Goebbels, N Hornung, U Klein, S Müller, I Nikitin, C Wienss
55th IWCS, 91-97, 2006
Tactylus, a pen-input device exploring audiotactile sensory binding
E Kruijff, G Wesche, K Riege, G Goebbels, M Kunstman, D Schmalstieg
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2006
Supporting team work in collaborative virtual environments
G Goebbels, PT Aquino, M Gіobel, V Lalioti
Corrections of IC-AT 2000 Proceeding, 104, 2000
ARSyS-Tricorder-Entwicklung eines Augmented Reality Systems für die intraoperative Navigation in der MKG Chirurgie
G Goebbels, K Troche, M Braun, A Ivanovic, A Grab, K Lübtow, R Sader, ...
Complex cable bundle simulation and validation in VR
C Wienss, J Scharping, S Müller, I Nikitin, G Goebbels, M Göbel, ...
2008 Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation …, 2008
Development of an augmented reality system for intra-operative navigation in maxillo-facial surgery
G Goebbels, K Troche, M Braun, A Ivanovic, A Grab, K von Löbtow, ...
Proceedings AR/VR-Statustagung, Leipzig, 2004
Guided design and evaluation of distributed, collaborative 3D interaction in projection based virtual environments
G Goebbels, V Lalioti, T Mack
Proceedings of HCII, 2001
Just Another Media Cluster?
C Zabel, G Heisenberg
MedienWirtschaft 16 (2), 22-31, 2019
HCI International 2014-Posters' Extended Abstracts
C Stephanidis
Proc. Int. Conf. Hum.-Comput. Interact. 435, 33, 2013
Echtzeitdeformation und Kollisionserkennung zur virtuellen Operationssimulation
C Wienss, G Goebbels, I Nikitin, S Müller
Proceedings des 2, 25-36, 2004
On collaboration in distributed virtual environments
G Goebbels, V Lalioti, M Göbel
The Journal of Three Dimensional Images, Japan 14 (4), 42-47, 2000
Supercomputer-enhanced functional MRI of the human brain
T Eickermann, W Frings, F Hossfeld, S Posse, G Goebbels
IEEE Concurrency 8 (1), 11-13, 2000
Distributed applications in a german gigabit WAN
T Eickermann, W Frings, S Posse, G Goebbels, R Volpel
Proceedings. The Eighth International Symposium on High Performance …, 1999
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