Diana Steger
Diana Steger
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
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On the Trail of Creativity: Dimensionality of Divergent Thinking and Its Relation With Cognitive Abilities, Personality, and Insight
S Weiss, D Steger, Y Kaur, A Hildebrandt, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
European Journal of Personality, 2020
A meta-analysis of test scores in proctored and unproctored ability assessments.
D Steger, U Schroeders, T Gnambs
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 36 (1), 174, 2020
A Reappraisal of the Threshold Hypothesis of Creativity and Intelligence
S Weiss, D Steger, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Journal of Intelligence 8 (4), 38, 2020
On the dimensionality of crystallized intelligence: A smartphone-based assessment
D Steger, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Intelligence 72, 76-85, 2019
Caught in the act: Predicting cheating in unproctored knowledge assessment
D Steger, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Assessment 28 (3), 1004-1017, 2021
Testing competing claims about overclaiming
B Goecke, S Weiss, D Steger, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Intelligence 81, 101470, 2020
The road to hell is paved with good intentions: How common practices in scale construction hurt validity
D Steger, K Jankowsky, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Assessment 30 (6), 1811-1824, 2023
Predicting lifetime suicide attempts in a community sample of adolescents using machine learning algorithms
K Jankowsky, D Steger, U Schroeders
Assessment 31 (3), 557-573, 2024
The road to hell is paved with good intentions: How common practices in scale construction hurt validity. Assessment, Advance online publication
D Steger, K Jankowsky, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
The short inventory of creative activities (S-ICA): Compiling a short scale using ant colony optimization
D Steger, S Weiss, O Wilhelm
Creativity Research Journal 35 (4), 645-660, 2023
Decrypting Log Data
M Klose, D Steger, J Fick, C Artelt
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2022
Creativity and intelligence: An investigation of the threshold hypothesis
S Weiss, D Steger, U Schroeders, O Wilhelm
Technology-Based Assessment: A Theoretical Framework, Psychometric Modeling, and Substantial Issues in the Assessment of Cognitive Abilities
D Steger
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Fakultät Humanwissenschaften, 2019
Not Easy to Get off Track: Motivational Trajectories of Learners Completing a Non-Formal Online Course
M Klose, P Handschuh, D Steger, C Artelt
Computers in Human Behavior, 108322, 2024
Disambiguating Tolerance of Ambiguity: Creating a Short, Unidimensional, and Reliable Measure of Tolerance of Ambiguity
D Steger, A Schütz
OSF, 2023
Public events knowledge in an age-heterogeneous sample: Reminiscence bump or bummer?
P Achaa-Amankwaa, D Steger, O Wilhelm, U Schroeders
Psychology and Aging, 2023
" Listen to the Music": Modeling Pop Music Knowledge Across Age
D Steger, S Struthoff, P Achaa-Amankwaa, O Wilhelm, U Schroeders
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 65 (4), 549-549, 2023
Short, Yet Creative: Compiling a Short Scale of Creative Activities
D Steger, S Weiss, O Wilhelm
PsyArXiv, 2022
Predicting Lifetime Suicide Attempts in a Community Sample of Adolescents Using Machine Learning Algorithms
K Jankowsky, D Steger, U Schroeders
PsyArXiv, 2022
The Reminiscence Bump for Public Events Knowledge in an Age-Heterogenous Sample
P Achaa-Amankwaa, O Wilhelm, U Schroeders, D Steger
OSF, 2021
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