Gudrun Wallentin
Gudrun Wallentin
Assoc. Prof. for Geoinformatics and Ecology, Dept. of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, University of Salzburg
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Understanding alpine tree line dynamics: An individual-based model
G Wallentin, U Tappeiner, J Strobl, E Tasser
Ecological Modelling 218 (3-4), 235-246, 2008
GIS and transport modeling—Strengthening the spatial perspective
M Loidl, G Wallentin, R Cyganski, A Graser, J Scholz, E Haslauer
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (6), 84, 2016
Dynamic hybrid modelling: Switching between AB and SD designs of a predator-prey model
G Wallentin, C Neuwirth
Ecological Modelling 345, 165-175, 2017
Spatial simulation: a spatial perspective on individual-based ecology—a review
G Wallentin
Ecological Modelling 350, 30-41, 2017
COVID-19 intervention scenarios for a long-term disease management
G Wallentin, D Kaziyeva, E Reibersdorfer-Adelsberger
International journal of health policy and management 9 (12), 508, 2020
Simulating spatio-temporal patterns of bicycle flows with an agent-based model
D Kaziyeva, M Loidl, G Wallentin
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (2), 88, 2021
Agent-based bicycle traffic model for Salzburg city
G Wallentin, M Loidl
GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2015, 558-566, 2015
Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of urban bicycle crashes—A case study from Salzburg (Austria)
M Loidl, C Traun, G Wallentin
Journal of Transport Geography 52, 38-50, 2016
Open geospatial education
M Belgiu, J Strobl, G Wallentin
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (2), 697-710, 2015
Assessment of workforce demands to shape GIS&T education
G Wallentin, B Hofer, C Traun
Transactions in GIS 19 (3), 439-454, 2015
Mapping bicycle crash risk patterns on the local scale
M Loidl, G Wallentin, R Wendel, B Zagel
Safety 2 (3), 17, 2016
Ch (e) atGPT? an anecdotal approach addressing the impact of ChatGPT on teaching and learning Giscience
P Stutz, M Elixhauser, J Grubinger-Preiner, V Linner, ...
OSF, 2023
An Adaptive Agent-Based Model of Homing Pigeons: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
F Oloo, G Wallentin
ISPRS - International Journal of Geographic Informtation 6 (1), 27, 2017
A framework for uncertainty assessment in simulation models
G Wallentin, A Car
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27 (2), 408-422, 2013
Large-scale agent-based simulation model of pedestrian traffic flows
D Kaziyeva, P Stutz, G Wallentin, M Loidl
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 105, 102021, 2023
Land Use Land Cover Changes in Bhutan: 2000-2013
U Yangchen, U Thinley, G Wallentin
Conference for Climate Change, Environment and Development in Bhutan, 37-46, 2015
Integration of landscape metric surfaces derived from vector data improves species distribution models
O Ortner, G Wallentin
Ecological Modelling 431, 109160, 2020
Workforce demand assessment to shape future gi-education–first results of a survey
B Hofer, G Wallentin, C Traun, J Strobl
AGILE Digital Editions, 2014
Empirical insights from a study on outlier preserving value generalization in animated choropleth maps
C Traun, ML Schreyer, G Wallentin
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (4), 208, 2021
Integrated analysis of the demand for and supply of geospatial education and training: Results of the GI-N2K Surveys
FI Rip, G Wallentin, RJA van Lammeren
GI-N2K, 2014
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