Jian Shi
Jian Shi
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Learning non-lambertian object intrinsics across shapenet categories
J Shi, Y Dong, H Su, SX Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Learning scene illumination by pairwise photos from rear and front mobile cameras
D Cheng, J Shi, Y Chen, X Deng, X Zhang
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (7), 213-221, 2018
Efficient intrinsic image decomposition for RGBD images
J Shi, Y Dong, X Tong, Y Chen
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2015
Deep inverse rendering for practical object appearance scan with uncalibrated illumination
J Zhang, G Chen, Y Dong, J Shi, B Zhang, E Wu
Advances in Computer Graphics: 37th Computer Graphics International …, 2020
Machine vision processing system
Y Dong, X Tong, L Liang, J Shi, SS Lin, S Stachniak
US Patent 10,846,887, 2020
Learning Non-Lambertian Object Intrinsics across ShapeNet Categories Supplementary Material
J Shi, Y Dong, H Su, XY Stella
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Articles 1–6