Marleen Voss
Marleen Voss
University of Münster, ERCIS
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Developing a digital maturity model for the sales processes of industrial projects
M Voss, D Jaspert, C Ahlfeld, L Sucke
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 44 (1), 7-28, 2023
Benevolent Business Processes-Design Guidelines Beyond Transactional Value
M Rosemann, N Ostern, M Voss, W Bandara
International Conference on Business Process Management, 447-464, 2023
Can you trust me? Using AI to review more than three decades of AI trust literature
C Knickrehm, M Voss, MC Barton
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2023
Privacy-Centered Design Principles for Employee-Determined Data Collection and Use in Personalized Assistance Systems
M Voss, M Hoebertz, O Bosak, F Mohsenzadeh, M Schnebbe, ...
AMCIS 2021, 2021
Design principles for personalized assistance systems that respect privacy
M Voss, O Bosak, M Hoebertz, F Mohsenzadeh, J Poeppelbuss, ...
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 14 (4), 461-489, 2022
The Benevolent Enterprise: How to Operationalise and Scale Doing Good
M Rosemann, W Bandara, N Ostern, M Voss
QUT Centre for Future Enterprise, 2023
Transdisciplinary Learning Lab – Ein simulationsbasiertes und transferorientiertes Modul
S Hohagen, M Voß, U Wilkens, T Süße
Forschendes Lernen an Universitäten: Prinzipien, Methoden, Best-Practices an …, 2020
Value Perceptions on Smart Service Offerings in Manufacturing
FS Martin Ebel, Marleen Voss, Jens Poeppelbuss, Andreas Greve, André Sobieraj
Smart Services Summit: Smart Services Creating Sustainability, 3-12, 2023
Human-GAI Co-Creation: Using a Process Theory Lens to Understand Human-GAI Interaction in Creative Problem-Solving
NK Ostern, C Knickrehm, M Voss, Y Kelch
Künstliche Intelligenz im Vertrieb
M Voß
Experiência de Confiança nas Organizações: Como Operacionalizar e Escalar fazendo o Bem (The benevolent enterprise: How to scale and operationalise doing good)
M Rosemann, W Bandara, N Ostern, M Voss
Design-Prinzipien und Umsetzung personalisierter Assistenzsysteme unter Berücksichtigung des Datenschutzes
M Hoebertz, M Voß, J Pöppelbuß, O Bosak, F Mohsenzadeh, M Schnebbe, ...
Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt im Mittelstand 2: Ergebnisse und Best …, 2023
Omni-Trust: The role of choice in building trust in retail
N Ostern, S Murray, M Voss
Innovation Central Brisbane (ICB), 2023
Empirically Grounded Development of a Maturity Model for AI in B2B Sales
M Voss, C Knickrehm
International Conference on Information Systems, 2023
Digitale Transformation braucht soziokulturellen Wandel–Mitarbeiterakzeptanz beim Einsatz personalisierter digitaler Assistenzsysteme
A Greve, M Voß, M Hoebertz, F Schomburg, A Sobieraj, J Pöppelbuß
Smart Services: Band 3: Kundenperspektive–Mitarbeiterperspektive …, 2022
A Review on the Customer Role in Smart Service Co-Creation.
M Voss, M Ebel, D Drenhaus, T Marus
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2022
Competence development in transfer-oriented teaching-learning formats–Results of an evaluation study
S Hohagen, M Voß, U Wilkens, S Rohde, V Vaughn, F Mehrabi, ...
die hochschullehre 7 (1), 2021
Kompetenzentwicklung in transferorientierten Lehr-Lernformaten–Ergebnisse einer Evaluationsstudie: die hochschullehre 13/2021
S Hohagen, M Voß, U Wilkens, S Rohde, V Vaughn, F Mehrabi, ...
die hochschullehre 7 (1), 105-111, 2021
DIN SPEC 91404: Leitfaden zur Standardisierung von Instandhaltungsprozessen
T Leiting, L Bruhns, M Voß, D Jaspert, L Brumby, K Müller, D Schiemann, ...
Beuth Verlag, 2020
Transdisciplinary Learning Lab – ein transferorientiertes Lehr-Lern-Format.
S Hohagen, M Voss
Posterbeitrag auf dem Symposium „Transfer in die Lehre. Zumutung oder Chance …, 2019
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