Julian Garritzmann
Julian Garritzmann
Professor of Political Science / Goethe University Frankfurt
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The political economy of higher education finance: The politics of tuition fees and subsidies in OECD countries, 1945–2015
JL Garritzmann
Springer, 2016
Public demand for social investment: new supporting coalitions for welfare state reform in Western Europe?
JL Garritzmann, MR Busemeyer, E Neimanns
The Future of the Social Investment State, 44-61, 2020
Public opinion on policy and budgetary trade-offs in European welfare states: evidence from a new comparative survey
MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann
Political Budgeting Across Europe, 83-101, 2018
A loud but noisy signal?: Public opinion and education reform in Western Europe
MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann, E Neimanns
Cambridge University Press, 2020
The world politics of social investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy
J Garritzmann, S Häusermann, B Palier
How much power do oppositions have? Comparing the opportunity structures of parliamentary oppositions in 21 democracies
JL Garritzmann
The Journal of Legislative Studies 23 (1), 1-30, 2017
Party politics and education spending: challenging some common wisdom
JL Garritzmann, K Seng
Journal of European Public Policy 23 (4), 510-530, 2016
Investing in education in Europe: Evidence from a new survey of public opinion
MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann, E Neimanns, R Nezi
Journal of European Social Policy 28 (1), 34-54, 2018
WoPSI-the World Politics of Social Investment: An international research project to explain variance in social investment agendas and social investment reforms across countries …
JL Garritzmann, S Häusermann, B Palier, C Zollinger
LIEPP Working Paper, 2017
Who owns education? Cleavage structures in the partisan competition over educational expansion
MR Busemeyer, ST Franzmann, JL Garritzmann
West European Politics 36 (3), 521-546, 2013
Attitudes towards student support: How positive feedback-effects prevent change in the Four Worlds of Student Finance
JL Garritzmann
Journal of European Social Policy 25 (2), 139-158, 2015
Compensation or Social Investment? Revisiting the Link between Globalisation and Popular Demand for the Welfare State
MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann
Journal of Social Policy, 2018
Ideological alignment and the distribution of public expenditures
H Kleider, L Röth, JL Garritzmann
Democratic Representation in Multi-level Systems, 255-278, 2020
Public opinion towards welfare state reform: The role of political trust and government satisfaction
JL Garritzmann, E Neimanns, MR Busemeyer
European Journal of Political Research 62 (1), 197-220, 2023
The future of the social investment state: politics, policies, and outcomes
MR Busemeyer, C De la Porte, JL Garritzmann, E Pavolini
The Future of the Social Investment State, 1-9, 2020
How popular are social investment policies really? Evidence from a survey experiment in eight Western European countries
E Neimanns, MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann
European Sociological Review 34 (3), 238-253, 2018
Policy-making in multi-level systems: Ideology, authority, and education
JL Garritzmann, L Röth, H Kleider
Comparative Political Studies 54 (12), 2155-2190, 2021
Academic, vocational or general? An analysis of public opinion towards education policies with evidence from a new comparative survey
MR Busemeyer, JL Garritzmann
Journal of European Social Policy 27 (4), 373-386, 2017
Party effects on total and disaggregated welfare spending: A mixed‐effects approach
JL Garritzmann, K Seng
European Journal of Political Research 59 (3), 624-645, 2020
The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume II: The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies
JL Garritzmann, H Silja, B Palier
Oxford University Press, 2022
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