Thomas Simons
Thomas Simons
Project Managment Jülich at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
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Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales
P Chen, S Schönebaum, T Simons, D Rauch, M Dietrich, R Moos, ...
Sensors 15 (11), 28915-28941, 2015
The effect of Cu and Fe cations on NH 3-supported proton transport in DeNO x-SCR zeolite catalysts
P Chen, D Rauch, P Weide, S Schönebaum, T Simons, M Muhler, R Moos, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (10), 3362-3366, 2016
Monitoring NH3 storage and conversion in Cu-ZSM-5 and Cu-SAPO-34 catalysts for NH3-SCR by simultaneous impedance and DRIFT spectroscopy
P Chen, J Simböck, S Schönebaum, D Rauch, T Simons, R Palkovits, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 236, 1075-1082, 2016
Zeolites as nanoporous, gas-sensitive materials for in situ monitoring of DeNOx-SCR
T Simons, U Simon
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 3 (1), 667-673, 2012
Sensing catalytic conversion: Simultaneous DRIFT and impedance spectroscopy for in situ monitoring of NH 3–SCR on zeolites
T Simons, P Chen, D Rauch, R Moos, U Simon
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 224, 492-499, 2016
Microwave Cavity Perturbation Studies on H-form and Cu Ion-Exchanged SCR Catalyst Materials: Correlation of Ammonia Storage and Dielectric Properties
D Rauch, M Dietrich, T Simons, U Simon, A Porch, R Moos
Topics in Catalysis 60 (3-5), 243-249, 2017
In situ monitoring of DeNO x-SCR on zeolite catalysts by means of simultaneous impedance and DRIFT spectroscopy
P Chen, S Schönebaum, T Simons, D Rauch, R Moos, U Simon
Procedia Engineering 120, 257-260, 2015
Zeolite H-ZSM-5: A Microporous Proton Conductor for the in situ Monitoring of DeNOx-SCR
T Simons, U Simon
MRS Proceedings 1330, mrss11-1330-j01-03-k03-03, 2011
Zirconium Phosphate-Based Porous Heterostructures: A New Class of Materials for Ammonia Sensing
T Simons, JF Blanco Villalba, J Jiménez-Jiménez, E Rodríguez-Castellón, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 217, 175-180, 2014
Impedanzspektroskopie als Methode zur in situ-Reaktionsbeobachtung der DeNOx-SCR-Reaktion an Zeolithen und verwandten Materialien
T Simons, R Palkovits, U Simon
ISBN: 978-3-86359-338-4, 2015
Monitoring NH3 storage and conversion in Cu-ZSM-5 and Cu SAPO 34 catalysts for NH3-SCR by simultaneous impedance and DRIFT spectroscopy
S Schönebaum, P Chen, J Simböck, D Rauch, T Simons, R Palkovits, ...
Monitoring NH 3 storage and conversion in Cu-SAPO-34 catalyst for NH 3-SCR by simultaneous impedance and DRIFT spectroscopy
S Schönebaum, P Chen, J Simböck, D Rauch, T Simons, R Palkovits, ...
Microwave cavity perturbation studies on ion-exchanged and H-form SCR catalyst materials: correlation of ammonia storage and dielectric properties
D Rauch, M Dietrich, T Simons, A Porch, R Moos
Simultaneous DRIFT and impedance spectroscopy: a complementary approach for in situ monitoring of DeNOx SCR on zeolite catalyst
T Simons, P Chen, R Moos, U Simon
In situ monitoring of DeNOx-SCR on zeolite catalysts by simultaneous DRIFT and impedance spectroscopy studies
P Chen, T Simons, R Moos, U Simon
Can we monitor the catalytic properties of zeolite-based automotive catalysts by electrical measurements in situ?
R Moos, D Rauch, T Simons, U Simon
Symposium J: Protons in Solids Symposium K: Frontiers of Solid-State Ionics
T Simons, U Simon
In situ reaction monitoring of DeNOx-SCR on zeolite ZSM-5 by means of parallel DRIFTS and IS
T Simons, P Chen, U Simon
Thermal Decomposition of APT-4: in situ Monitoring by means of Impedance Spectroscopy
T Simons, P Chen, U Simon
Monitoring NH storage and conversion in Cu-SAPO-34 in
S Schönebaum, P Chen, J Simböck, D Rauch, T Simons, R Palkovits, ...
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