Christian A. Klöckner
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A comprehensive model of the psychology of environmental behaviour—A meta-analysis
CA Klöckner
Global environmental change 23 (5), 1028-1038, 2013
A comprehensive action determination model: Toward a broader understanding of ecological behaviour using the example of travel mode choice
CA Klöckner, A Blöbaum
Journal of Environmental Psychology 30 (4), 574-586, 2010
How habits interfere with norm-directed behaviour: A normative decision-making model for travel mode choice
CA Klöckner, E Matthies
Journal of environmental psychology 24 (3), 319-327, 2004
The role of parental behaviour for the development of behaviour specific environmental norms–The example of recycling and re-use behaviour
E Matthies, S Selge, CA Klöckner
Journal of environmental psychology 32 (3), 277-284, 2012
Travel mode choice of women: the result of limitation, ecological norm, or weak habit?
E Matthies, S Kuhn, CA Klöckner
Environment and behavior 34 (2), 163-177, 2002
Positive and negative spillover effects from electric car purchase to car use
CA Klöckner, A Nayum, M Mehmetoglu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 21, 32-38, 2013
Adolescent school absenteeism: modelling social and individual risk factors
JM Ingul, CA Klöckner, WK Silverman, HM Nordahl
Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17 (2), 93-100, 2012
The psychology of pro-environmental communication: beyond standard information strategies
CA Klöckner
Springer, 2015
A multi-level approach to travel mode choice–How person characteristics and situation specific aspects determine car use in a student sample
CA Klöckner, T Friedrichsmeier
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 14 (4), 261-277, 2011
Saving electricity–For the money or the environment? Risks of limiting pro-environmental spillover when using monetary framing
J Steinhorst, CA Klöckner, E Matthies
Journal of Environmental Psychology 43, 125-135, 2015
Social desirability in environmental psychology research: Three meta-analyses
S Vesely, CA Klöckner
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1395, 2020
Applying a modified moral decision making model to change habitual car use: how can commitment be effective?
E Matthies, CA Klöckner, CL Preißner
Applied Psychology 55 (1), 91-106, 2006
Car use of young adults: The role of travel socialization
S Haustein, CA Klöckner, A Blöbaum
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (2), 168-178, 2009
General vs. domain specific recycling behaviour—Applying a multilevel comprehensive action determination model to recycling in Norwegian student homes
CA Klöckner, IO Oppedal
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 55 (4), 463-471, 2011
Individual motivations for limiting meat consumption
I Zur, C A. Klöckner
British Food Journal 116 (4), 629-642, 2014
Problems of Operationalizing Habits and Integrating Habits in Normative Decision‐Making Models1
CA Klöckner, E Matthies, M Hunecke
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (2), 396-417, 2003
A comprehensive socio-psychological approach to car type choice
A Nayum, CA Klöckner
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 401-411, 2014
Comparison of socio-psychological characteristics of conventional and battery electric car buyers
A Nayum, CA Klöckner, M Mehmetoglu
Travel Behaviour and Society 3, 8-20, 2016
The importance of personal norms for purchasing organic milk
CA Klöckner, S Ohms
British Food Journal 111 (11), 1173-1187, 2009
A social norms intervention going wrong: Boomerang effects from descriptive norms information
I Richter, J Thøgersen, CA Klöckner
Sustainability 10 (8), 2848, 2018
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