Bart Dierynck
Bart Dierynck
Professor of Accounting, Tilburg University
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Do managerial incentives drive cost behavior? Evidence about the role of the zero earnings benchmark for labor cost behavior in private Belgian firms
B Dierynck, WR Landsman, A Renders
The Accounting Review 87 (4), 1219-1246, 2012
Behavioral integrity for safety, priority of safety, psychological safety, and patient safety: a team-level study.
H Leroy, B Dierynck, F Anseel, T Simons, JRB Halbesleben, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (6), 1273, 2012
Opening the “black box” of efficiency measurement: Input allocation in multioutput settings
L Cherchye, BD Rock, B Dierynck, F Roodhooft, J Sabbe
Operations Research 61 (5), 1148-1165, 2013
The role of individual and collective mindfulness in promoting occupational safety in health care
B Dierynck, H Leroy, GT Savage, E Choi
Medical care research and review 74 (1), 79-96, 2017
Living up to safety values in health care: The effect of leader behavioral integrity on occupational safety.
JRB Halbesleben, H Leroy, B Dierynck, T Simons, GT Savage, ...
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 18 (4), 395, 2013
Learning in the Auditing Profession: A framework and future Directions
B Dierynck, K Kadous, CPH Peters
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 101534, 2023
Management accounting information properties and operations management
B Dierynck, E Labro
Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management …, 2018
Financial reporting quality and peer group selection
B Dierynck, A Verriest
Management Accounting Research 47, 100675, 2020
Managing identities in multi-level organizations: The joint effect of social distance and social value orientation on budget reporting
E Cardinaels, B Dierynck, X Zhang
Available at SSRN 2481352, 2019
Research and development costs of new drugs
B Dierynck, P Joos
JAMA 324 (5), 516-517, 2020
Rejections, incentives, and employee creativity: When chocolate is better than cash
E Cardinaels, B Dierynck, W Hu
Working Paper on SSRN, 2020. https://ssrn. com/abstract= 3022001, 2020
The sorting benefits of discretionary adjustment to performance-based pay
B Dierynck, V van Pelt
Management Accounting Research 52, 2021
A DEA-based approach to customer value analysis
L Cherchye, B De Rock, B Dierynck, K Pieter-Jan, F Roodhooft
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (3), 2023
Public tax disclosures and investor perceptions
B Dierynck, M Jacob, MA Müller, C Peters, V van Pelt
TRR, 2022
Calibration committees. Costly information acquisition and use for subjective performance evaluation
F Arshad, E Cardinaels, B Dierynck
Available at SSRN, 2017
An Empirical Test of the Effect of Outrage Costs on CEO Compensation Level
B Dierynck, A Renders
AAA, 2015
In Search of Informed Discretion (Revisited): Are Managers Concerned about Appearing Selfish?
B Dierynck, J van der Geest, V van Pelt
Available at SSRN 3736930, 2022
Auditor Task Selection under Time Pressure
B Dierynck, C Peters
Doing the Right Thing: Rotation and Managers’ Reports about Distortion
E Cardinaels, B Dierynck, V van Pelt
Real-Time Feedback Systems, Recordkeeping and the Task Selection Bias
F Arshad, B Dierynck
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